Monday, November 11, 2019

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Leaflet Essay

There are many forms of prejudice and discrimination and it can be experienced by anyone at anytime. This booklet is designed to help parents understand the impact it can have on children and young people and why as a school we do not accept it in any form, be it from a fellow pupil, a member of staff or outside professional or a parent/guardian or family member. Who is most at risk? The children and young people most at risk from prejudice and or discrimination are:- * The disabled * Those with Special Educational Needs * Those who speak a language different from the majority * Those from a different culture, ethnicity or race * Those who appear differently (red hair, glasses, birth mark etc) * Anyone new to school * Anyone who has an high or low ability * All children according to their gender Different forms of prejudice and discrimination. There are many different forms of prejudice and discrimination and they may experience one or more of these at any given time. * This can include name calling. * Being left out of activities or groups. * â€Å"Dumbing down† so as not to be labelled a â€Å"swat or geek†. * Being left out because they have a lower ability and are classed as â€Å"stupid†. * Those from a poorer background may suffer because they cannot afford to go on school trips. * Being picked on because they look different, i.e. being called â€Å"ginger nut or carrot top† because they have red hair or â€Å"specky four eyes† because they wear glasses. * Any one new to school may experience being left out because they have no friends and peer groups have already been formed. * Girls and boys can be discriminated against just because of their gender, â€Å"girls are not supposed to play football† and â€Å"boys shouldn’t play with dolls or dance†. All of the above are forms of prejudice and discrimination and not everyone will realise this and may have experience it or been the abuser. The effects prejudice and discrimination can have on children and young people. There are many affects that these forms of prejudice and discrimination can have on the victim. They range from mild to severe dependent on how long, severe the abuse and the state of mind of the victim. They may feel unvalued, lack in confidence, withdraw into themselves, they won’t volunteer for activities so as not to draw attention to themselves, they may have difficulty focusing and low self esteem and all this impacts on their friendships and family life. The longer this goes on the more withdrawn they become and they can then turn self harming or drink and drugs (young people) and in very severe cases they could commit suicide. The impact our values and attitudes have. The way we behave around children and young people with regard to our attitudes and values have a huge impact on the children and young people we live with, work with and care for. The way we interact with these children and young people is very important because they are not born with attitudes; attitudes are learnt from those who have a significant input in their lives. It is our job as adults to set an example to them and the earlier the better. * How can we expect them to do something if we are not prepared to do it ourselves? * Whatever our religion/beliefs we should show them that it is alright to be curious about other religions and beliefs, diversity is part of our everyday lives. * Other cultures can teach us different views and rituals (so increase our awareness of why they may do things differently). * We should encourage our children and young people to experience different activities (be it a girl playing football or a boy dancing). * We are all individuals and should be treated as such. * A child with special needs or a disability is still a child with feelings and emotions. * If we are gifted and talented and learn easily doesn’t mean we are not fun to be around. * If we have special needs and need extra help with things it doesn’t mean my feelings cannot be hurt. In school it is important to promote Anti-discriminatory practice to the children and young people in our charge so that they are aware that it is not acceptable behaviour. It is important to teach them that we are all different and unique and that this is a good thing. We have to teach them to respect one another’s diversity and empathize with those who are different (those who are the victims of prejudice and discrimination) who they may be abusing or know to be the victim of abuse. We must teach them to value each other as individuals and value each other’s opinions and rights to be different, and teach them that we are all equals. As a parent/carer, professional or even a pupil it is our duty to report any form of prejudice or discrimination that we experience or witness, whether it be from a member of staff, an outside professional, a parent/carer or a pupil. You should always challenge prejudice and discrimination and you should tell whomever it is that it is unacceptable to express their views in this way, be it to you or someone else or indeed to the pupil themselves. It is not acceptable to discriminate against another person and if it carries on you will report it to the relevant senior member of staff in line with the policies and procedures set out for your setting. Support must be provided to the victim of the abuse and they must be encouraged to respond with positive action. Extra help may be needed to help them recover their self esteem and confidence. Wherever possible get the abuser to apologise to the victim and if possible get them to empathize with the victim. So if you see it, experience it or hear it, report it!

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