Tuesday, December 31, 2019

How and why is federalism enshrined in the US Constitution

How and why is federalism enshrined in the Constitution? (15 marks) Federalism is the system of government in which power is dispersed between central and state governments, each level of government having different responsibilities. Article four of the constitution is devoted to outlining the federal-state government relationship. Section one states that all states will honour all of the other states laws; this ensures that a marriage in Florida is also considered marriage in Arizona. Similarly, section two guarantees that citizens of one state are treated fairly and equally like all citizens of other states. For example, it enshrines that a person fleeing a crime from a state with certain punishments, shall be returned by another†¦show more content†¦However, despite this, the Bill of Rights, effectively apart of the constitution, is aimed at protecting citizens rights from a tyrannical government. But, recently, certain articles have been the source of controversy. A notable example being the 2nd amendment, the â€Å"right of the people to keep and bear arms† to enable citizens to defend themselves from an autocratic ruler. This is a source of national debate, events such as the Sandy Hook mass acre have led gun control campaigners to demand laws passed to make the supply of guns much tougher. But, opposition in the form of Republicans, see it as a violation to the 2nd amendment. Unlike the rest of the constitution, this is an archaic clause, only suitable for the circumstances in which the constitution was written, and not in the 21st century when the threat of a foreign power invading/a violent government has gradually diminished. The Founding Fathers’ established the Bill of Rights to â€Å"sugar the constitutional pill† which gave an immense degree of power to the federal government and its branches. The 2nd amendment is not part of the elasticity of the constitution which sought to establish freedom and individual liberties. In fact, it could be argued that it detracts from the nature of freedom as citizens live their lives with the threat of gun violence whilst the constitution legalises it. This clearly wasn’t the intentions of the Founding Fath ers’. The federal government over the last century has undertaken some ofShow MoreRelatedThe Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: Obama Has Gone Too Far1411 Words   |  6 Pagesstates, â€Å"The law’s goal to make affordable health insurance coverage available to 32 million Americans who are currently uninsured is not only laudable, but necessary to control the nation’s health coverage.† (PR Newswire US) This law is in such deep debate dealing with the Constitution due to the Commerce Clause. What the Commerce Clause does is give Congress the power to regulate interstate commerce. Interpreting this law is where the question truly arises. â€Å"Does the Commerce Clause authorize CongressRead MoreCONSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN NIGERIA4940 Words   |  20 Pagesin Nigeria. It is asserted that the drafting of constitutions is a recurring decimal in Nigeria’s chequered political history. Right from the colonial period, Nigerians were barely involved in the art of constitution making while the British colonial overlords employed constitution making to consolidate their imperial strategies. Post colonial Nigerian leaders have utilized constitution drafting to ensure regime longevity. The current 1999 constitution is a product of haste because the receding militaryRead MoreThe Eu s Hybrid System2302 Words   |  10 Pagescharacteristics, the Court of Justice of the European Union ( CJEU). This paper will analyse the role of the CJEU in the EU’s hybrid system. It beings by outlining its organization and structure as well as its how its competences has transformed to support a more federalist role. The second section reviews how the competences of the CJEU has propelled it to make comprehensive decisions that has pushed it to become more of federal supreme court rather than an international judicial body. The third section looksRead MoreNationalism and Transnationalism in the Context of the European Union28567 Words   |  115 Pages 3.1. International Relations perspectives 36 3.2. Nationalism and Transnationalism 40 4. The future of Europe: National debates 46 4.1. The EU: State of Nations or Nation-State? 47 4.2. The European Union and its Citizens 61 4.3. Constitution for the European Union? 67 Conclusions 72 Bibliography 76 APPENDIX 82 Introduction The twentieth century bears tragic scars left by the First and Second World Wars. Fifty million soldiers and civilians lost their lives in conflicts that

Monday, December 23, 2019

Lessons from a Third World Perspective on...

Lessons from a Third World Perspective on Environmentalism Possibly more than any of the other articles we have read so far, Ramachandra Guhas article Radical Environmentalism and Wilderness Preservation: A Third World Critique made me think. In analyzing the Western deep ecology movement, he criticized its focus on preservation of wild areas. By doing this, he was directly criticizing what I have long thought of as my main goal as an environmentalist. One of the first things that turned me on to environmental issues when I was younger was my horror at the soaring rate of rainforest destruction so dramatically portrayed to us in 9th grade biology class. Since then, by following a biology track†¦show more content†¦But reading the article, I was struck by what we can learn from each other and from where we overlap. Guhas article critiqued the four main tenants of deep ecology (which are, as he sees them,: a shift from anthropocentric to biocentric ethics, a focus on preservation of wilderness, an invocation of Eastern spiritual traditions, and a perception of being the vanguard of current environmentalism) in order to show that, as is, deep ecology would only meet its goals at the expense of the Third World. He gave the example of Project Tiger in India, in which Western preservationists organizations encouraged the designation of a network of parks to preserve the tigers habitat but only by moving whole villages of people and prohibiting them from using the land (272). Of course, this type of conflict between protecting the habitat of an endangered species and letting the land be used by locals does not only occur in Third World contexts - it is a common debate, including of course the famous Spotted Owl example within our own country. Although it seems clear that a conflict between anthropocentric and biocentric world views is at work here, Guha claims that the dichotomy is useless (271). I have also seen it as somewhat problematic, even from my own biologicalShow MoreRelatedSchwarzenegger the Socialized Charismatic Leader and the Green Movement3504 Words   |  15 Pagesthat supports growth and a stronger state economy. Schwarzenegger has coupled the need for change with his powerful charisma. This created a vision for change and united Californians behind him. â€Å"Come on we’re from California. We have always been number one. Let’s show the rest of the world that we can come up with the best ideas. Let’s kick some butt here.† Governor Schwarzenegger. Schwarzenegger the socialized charismatic leader and the green movement Arnold Schwarzenegger is a socializedRead MoreEssay on Disney Goes to War: Animated Propaganda2554 Words   |  11 Pageseverywhere in the world,† said Walt Disney of his beloved cartoons. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Essay A Visit to the Zoo Free Essays

A Visit to the Zoo Zoo is a place where all sorts of tame and wild animals are kept. There are birds and beasts which tell us about the flora and fauna of our country as well as foreign countries. It is in this respect a giver of knowledge and information. We will write a custom essay sample on Essay: A Visit to the Zoo or any similar topic only for you Order Now Delhi zoo is housed in the Purana Kila on the Mathura Road. It has a fine and rare collection of birds and animals from all parts of the world. The zoo is spread over several acres of land. The birds and animals are kept, as far as possible, in their natural surroundings. There is a moat encircling the enclosures of wild animals so that they might not escape. One day I went to the zoo in the company of some of my friends. We bought tickets at the gate, and entered the zoo. First we came upon the enclosure where water fowls were swimming in water. The ducks and drakes were swimming and picking up things thrown to them. We enjoyed their playful antics for some time and moved on. Next we came to the enclosure of the wild animals. There were lions, tigers, and leopards belonging to different countries. The Gir lion of India seemed to be most ferocious. The enclosures smelt of meat, provided to them everyday. In another enclosure were the monkeys. They too, were of several varieties. The ape with a black face seemed to be the most mischievous. He was all the time grinning at the onlookers. The visitors threw parched grams to the monkeys and they seemed to relish it. At a small distance we saw a peacock. It was dancing. I ran to that side. The peacock seemed td be unmindful of the presence of the crowd. Closeby was an enclosure for the deer. It covered a vast area and the deer were roaming about freely- Near to the enclosure we saw a buffalo-like animal. It was the rhino munching some maize plants. It looked dreadful with its sharp horn on the nose. The sight of the rhino at once reminded me of the adventure of Colonel White as given in our text-book of English. On our way back we saw some elephants. They were being used for a joy-ride on payment. Lastly, we saw the covered enclosures where birds were flying about. They were of different colours and shapes. Now it was getting dark. The bell rang and we came out. The visit to the zoo added a good deal to our knowledge of birds and beasts. How to cite Essay: A Visit to the Zoo, Essays

Friday, December 6, 2019

Security and Privacy of Facebook User †MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about the Security and Privacy of Facebook User. Answer: Introduction: Facebook is worlds largest social networking site. Social networking sites are the network to build up communication and relationship among the people all around the world using internet. It is a faster method than face to face communication and provides a larger area of communication (Brenner Smith, 2013). Social networks can be classified into several categories like personal, location, content sharing and other networks (Brenner and Smith, 2013). This classification depends on the purpose of the network as well as the information which are being shared by that network. Facebook is a social networking site, founded by Mark Zuckerberg, which allows users profile creating, photos and videos and audio uploading, chatting and others. Features involved with Facebook are pages, events, group and many others (Krasnova, Veltri Gnther, 2012). The report is associated with the privacy that is associated with social networking sites, especially with Facebook. A networking site that is associated with sharing user information is always vulnerable as the information becomes available to everyone. Personal information which are being shared in the Facebook can easily be downloaded without proper privacy setting and that can further trouble the owner of the information. Aim of the report is to study a case related with the vulnerabilities and problems related with policies of Facebook regarding user privacy. The allegations of Federal Trade Commission against Facebooks policies and other problems developing in other parts of the world due to this are mentioned in the case study. Idea of User Privacy: Social networking sites provide the platform to share personal information like data, photos, videos, audio, status update and others (Acquisti, Brandimarte Loewenstein, 2015). The information becomes available to all the users or selective users according to the user privacy policies of the social networking sites. Information can become publicly available. Sometimes the setting option for information sharing remains public and the information become visible to all the user of the networking site (Smith et al., 2012). Sometimes the social networking site does not contain certain privacy option that restricts the entire user to view some information except the allowed ones. Sometimes interventions of third party software become the reason for the breach in privacy settings (Young Quan-Haase, 2013). Several times it has been seen that social networking sites do not give effective guarantee to protect the user information accordingly. Electronic tracking through short strings of text has been proved to be a dangerous medium of tracking information. A study performed by ATT labs had showed that information can be gathered by advertisers and other third parties from the social networking sites from the help of cookies and can use them to build a profile of users life (Tucker, 2014). Information those are gathered from the social networking sites are used both for legal and illegal purposes. Third party software developers and business users use the information to personalize applications like online games and others and to build up a successful advertise. Their market research becomes easy for them. However, in most of the cases information are used in illegal ways by cyber criminals and identity thieves. Initial Problem from the Case Study: Facebook provides the biggest platform for online social networking and communication. More than 2 billion people remain active daily in Facebook. Numerous photos, videos, status updates are posted daily in Facebook. The incident that brought out the problems as major perspective is the leakage of the photo of Randi Zuckerberg, a former senior executive and the sister of Mark Zuckerberg. The photo had been posted to friends by Randi; however it had been downloaded and posted in Twitter. The person, who had been accused primarily for posting was Callie Schweitzer, marketing director of VOX media. This problem had occurred after 11 days of the release of new privacy control settings by Facebook. Prior to that, privacy control settings are less secure and lengthy. Users have to open a different page to open the privacy control setting. New settings had provided the option in the same page as who can see my stuff option. Each post is made customizable with this option so user does not ha ve any difficulty in securing every post (Wang et al., 2013). Despite of these measures information had been leaked, which proved the inefficiency of the privacy control system. Problems Regarding Privacy: Data policy of Facebook was not accurate as per their demands. The incident of Randi Zuckerberg brought out the issues in privacy control systems. Federal Trade Commission is the government association of United States of America which protect consumer rights and information. Fundamental mission of this organisation is to investigate the businesses incorporated with public information and protect the information and also take necessary protective measures if any illegal activities are found. In the late 2011, the organisation had filed a suit which had accused Facebook for deceiving the customers and not following their policies accurately. Many third party applications are associated with Facebook, which are related to gaming, advertising, online quiz and many more (Gundecha, Liu, 2012). According to the data policies of Facebook user information like name, gender, profile pictures, status updates and others. Being an advertising company, the selling of advertisements depends on th e demographic information gathered by Facebook and according to its terms and conditions Facebook has the rights to use the information of the users (Madejski, Johnson Bellovin, 2012). Apart from that, Facebook had announced that it will not share the sensitive user information with the advertisers, only the information those are necessary and expandable will be only be shared with third party applications. Investigation of Federal Trade Commission found that the claims of Facebook of securing user information are not correct. Much sensitive information had been shared to the third party application and there had been many complaints against that. Another investigation had reflected the partnership between Facebook and Datalogix, which was a credit card purchasing information collecting company (Reynolds, 2015). The investigation had revealed that the user information of Facebook was getting involved in the advertising research of Datalogix, without consent or knowledge of the specific user. Additionally, a user was not provided to clear his or her information from the research of Datalogix from Facebook. It could only be done from the homepage of Datalogix. Additional problems had also been arisen with the subsidiaries of Facebook. In Decmber 2012, one of the acquired applications of Facebook, Instagram had announced that all the photos, updated in Instagram can be sold to the third parties without any compensation to the users as per the new privacy notice. Furthermore, the owner had also informed the metadata associated with the photos like name, gender, email id of the users will also be subjected to sell and the users disagreeing with the plans are given a few weeks notice to remove their account from Instagram. These policies had created severe discontent among the users and affected the reputation of Instagram as well as Facebook. Responsibilities of Facebook and Users: Leakage of information can be placed under the faults of organisation or the user. The case study highlights the areas regarding issues in privacy policies. Facebook had owned a specific privacy policy from the start of the business. It had prepared a privacy system to protect the user information. Despite of being involved in advertising business, the organisation had claimed that sensitive user information will not be used to third parties (Xu, Michael Chen, 2013). The incident of leaking of photo of Randy Zuckerberg was an example of the faults of Facebook regarding privacy issues. The agenda of a newly customized and more user-friendly privacy system is not only to enhance the privacy policies of the company but also to secure the user information more strongly, in a methodical way (Vitak, 2012). The incident happened just after the customization of the privacy system, which showed that the system had not been checked properly before launching. Majority of the reasons regarding privacy issues had lied with Facebook, as the investigations of Federal Trade Commission had revealed that Facebook was not following the policies. Sensitive private information like name, age, photos were getting integrated with third party applications (Reynolds, 2011). As a result, private information of consumers were becoming vulnerable and easily accessible to cyber criminals (Litt, 2013). The example of Randy Zuckerberg gives a clear picture to that, though it was not a criminal act. However, a little part of privacy policy integrates the user as well. Any information that is too sensitive for a user should not be shared in a social networking site that contains the access of more than a million users (Tan et al., 2012). Understanding of the privacy policies is very important for a user as without fully knowing the terms and conditions, a user cannot blame directly for the faults or leakage of information. Protective Measures for Privacy Policy: Privacy policy is one of the major components in the business of a social networking site. Social networking sites are the primary platform of online communication now-a-days. Users always tend to find innovative but safe social networking sites, which will provide them with new innovative options for social networking as well as keep their information protected from the third parties (Liang et al., 2014). The customization of information sharing is the new idea of Facebook for customer satisfaction. Reveal of user information to third party will definitely demoralise the user and he or she will fell that it is risky to use the site further. Therefore, introduction of new policies to protect user privacy is a compulsory matter for Facebook. The additional measurements, which are mandatory to improve the privacy settings for the users should be primarily integrate with the social networking sites. Facebook should develop an option where privacy can be customized to the specific people those one user wants and the information should be protected that no other user can download the information (Nilizadeh et al., 2012). Personal information like photos and videos can be guarded using different techniques. A new system has been launched by Facebook which is profile picture guard so that no one can download the profile picture that one has set (Stutzman, Gross Acquisti, 2013). This option is innovative but not highly effective as once a person change the profile picture the guard gets automatically turned off. This feature should be customized more accurately. Downloading of pictures should be confined among those who have been shared with. This protective option should be added with videos also. Another privacy option that should be mentioned here is the tagging information (Wilson, Gosling Graham, 2012). Many times it has been seen that users get tagged in different unknown information. Facebook has the option for removing of tags but the users should get tagged in the 1st place. Therefore, tagging option needs to be customized in such a way that a user tag an unknown person. A Privacy Issue: A privacy issue had happened with me some time ago which had led me to stop using Facebook. The issue was very severe to me. At that point anybody was able to download the profile picture of somebody and the personal information can be easily viewed. My profile picture had been downloaded by some anonymous user and some of my personal data had been gathered. After that I had watched that a fake profile had been created using those information and the profile had been used to disturb some other profiles in Facebook. Even my email id had been leaked so I was getting a good amount of spam mails. This was the issue for which I have stopped using Facebook as the information were protected very poorly. Conclusion: From the above report, it can be concluded that, user privacy is one of the major concerns of social networking sites. Social networking is an activity based on communication and sharing information that may be personal or professional. Users of these sites will always prefer that their information must be confined within their communication group and leakage of information will result a huge dissatisfaction among the users. Leakage of information always harm a user and it will definitely affect the reputation and publicity of the social networking sites. Therefore, a social networking sites must have a good set of privacy policy and appropriate system or systems integrated with the social networking sites to protect the information of their users from wrong hands. Recommendation: Main objective of recommendation is to protect the confidential information of the users from falling into wrong hands. To protect the information login approvals must be protected with efficient authentication process. Facebook has newly launched the two-factor authentication protocol for this matter. This authentication protocol must be backed up properly so that in no other way any other person can hack into ones profile. These privacy systems must be properly maintained. New systems should be launched after checking properly. The lesson can be learned from the case of Randy Zuckerberg, that in spite of presence of user privacy system the photos of her had been leaked to Twitter by a person who was not a part of the sharing group. New options should be innovated by the programmers of the organisation within a short interval of time so that the old users remain happy and the new users become more attracted towards social networking. The design of the security option can be more sty lish. Demographic information should be protected in a different manner and under no circumstances should be released to a third party. Third party applications should be permitted if they agree legally not to use any information. References: Acquisti, A., Brandimarte, L., Loewenstein, G. (2015). Privacy and human behavior in the age of information.Science,347(6221), 509-514. Brenner, J., Smith, A. (2013). 72% of online adults are social networking site users.Washington, DC: Pew Internet American Life Project.Braun, M.T., 2013. Obstacles to social networking website use among older adults.Computers in Human Behavior,29(3), pp.673-680. Gundecha, P., Liu, H. (2012). Mining social media: a brief introduction. InNew Directions in Informatics, Optimization, Logistics, and Production(pp. 1-17). Informs. Krasnova, H., Veltri, N. F., Gnther, O. (2012). 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From facebook regrets to facebook privacy nudges.Ohio St. LJ,74, 1307. Wilson, R. E., Gosling, S. D., Graham, L. T. (2012). A review of Facebook research in the social sciences.Perspectives on psychological science,7(3), 203-220. Xu, F., Michael, K., Chen, X. (2013). Factors affecting privacy disclosure on social network sites: an integrated model.Electronic Commerce Research,13(2), 151-168. Young, A. L., Quan-Haase, A. (2013). Privacy protection strategies on Facebook: The Internet privacy paradox revisited.Information, Communication Society,16(4), 479-500.