Tuesday, December 31, 2019

How and why is federalism enshrined in the US Constitution

How and why is federalism enshrined in the Constitution? (15 marks) Federalism is the system of government in which power is dispersed between central and state governments, each level of government having different responsibilities. Article four of the constitution is devoted to outlining the federal-state government relationship. Section one states that all states will honour all of the other states laws; this ensures that a marriage in Florida is also considered marriage in Arizona. Similarly, section two guarantees that citizens of one state are treated fairly and equally like all citizens of other states. For example, it enshrines that a person fleeing a crime from a state with certain punishments, shall be returned by another†¦show more content†¦However, despite this, the Bill of Rights, effectively apart of the constitution, is aimed at protecting citizens rights from a tyrannical government. But, recently, certain articles have been the source of controversy. A notable example being the 2nd amendment, the â€Å"right of the people to keep and bear arms† to enable citizens to defend themselves from an autocratic ruler. This is a source of national debate, events such as the Sandy Hook mass acre have led gun control campaigners to demand laws passed to make the supply of guns much tougher. But, opposition in the form of Republicans, see it as a violation to the 2nd amendment. Unlike the rest of the constitution, this is an archaic clause, only suitable for the circumstances in which the constitution was written, and not in the 21st century when the threat of a foreign power invading/a violent government has gradually diminished. The Founding Fathers’ established the Bill of Rights to â€Å"sugar the constitutional pill† which gave an immense degree of power to the federal government and its branches. The 2nd amendment is not part of the elasticity of the constitution which sought to establish freedom and individual liberties. In fact, it could be argued that it detracts from the nature of freedom as citizens live their lives with the threat of gun violence whilst the constitution legalises it. This clearly wasn’t the intentions of the Founding Fath ers’. The federal government over the last century has undertaken some ofShow MoreRelatedThe Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: Obama Has Gone Too Far1411 Words   |  6 Pagesstates, â€Å"The law’s goal to make affordable health insurance coverage available to 32 million Americans who are currently uninsured is not only laudable, but necessary to control the nation’s health coverage.† (PR Newswire US) This law is in such deep debate dealing with the Constitution due to the Commerce Clause. What the Commerce Clause does is give Congress the power to regulate interstate commerce. Interpreting this law is where the question truly arises. â€Å"Does the Commerce Clause authorize CongressRead MoreCONSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN NIGERIA4940 Words   |  20 Pagesin Nigeria. It is asserted that the drafting of constitutions is a recurring decimal in Nigeria’s chequered political history. Right from the colonial period, Nigerians were barely involved in the art of constitution making while the British colonial overlords employed constitution making to consolidate their imperial strategies. Post colonial Nigerian leaders have utilized constitution drafting to ensure regime longevity. The current 1999 constitution is a product of haste because the receding militaryRead MoreThe Eu s Hybrid System2302 Words   |  10 Pagescharacteristics, the Court of Justice of the European Union ( CJEU). This paper will analyse the role of the CJEU in the EU’s hybrid system. It beings by outlining its organization and structure as well as its how its competences has transformed to support a more federalist role. The second section reviews how the competences of the CJEU has propelled it to make comprehensive decisions that has pushed it to become more of federal supreme court rather than an international judicial body. The third section looksRead MoreNationalism and Transnationalism in the Context of the European Union28567 Words   |  115 Pages 3.1. International Relations perspectives 36 3.2. Nationalism and Transnationalism 40 4. The future of Europe: National debates 46 4.1. The EU: State of Nations or Nation-State? 47 4.2. The European Union and its Citizens 61 4.3. Constitution for the European Union? 67 Conclusions 72 Bibliography 76 APPENDIX 82 Introduction The twentieth century bears tragic scars left by the First and Second World Wars. Fifty million soldiers and civilians lost their lives in conflicts that

Monday, December 23, 2019

Lessons from a Third World Perspective on...

Lessons from a Third World Perspective on Environmentalism Possibly more than any of the other articles we have read so far, Ramachandra Guhas article Radical Environmentalism and Wilderness Preservation: A Third World Critique made me think. In analyzing the Western deep ecology movement, he criticized its focus on preservation of wild areas. By doing this, he was directly criticizing what I have long thought of as my main goal as an environmentalist. One of the first things that turned me on to environmental issues when I was younger was my horror at the soaring rate of rainforest destruction so dramatically portrayed to us in 9th grade biology class. Since then, by following a biology track†¦show more content†¦But reading the article, I was struck by what we can learn from each other and from where we overlap. Guhas article critiqued the four main tenants of deep ecology (which are, as he sees them,: a shift from anthropocentric to biocentric ethics, a focus on preservation of wilderness, an invocation of Eastern spiritual traditions, and a perception of being the vanguard of current environmentalism) in order to show that, as is, deep ecology would only meet its goals at the expense of the Third World. He gave the example of Project Tiger in India, in which Western preservationists organizations encouraged the designation of a network of parks to preserve the tigers habitat but only by moving whole villages of people and prohibiting them from using the land (272). Of course, this type of conflict between protecting the habitat of an endangered species and letting the land be used by locals does not only occur in Third World contexts - it is a common debate, including of course the famous Spotted Owl example within our own country. Although it seems clear that a conflict between anthropocentric and biocentric world views is at work here, Guha claims that the dichotomy is useless (271). I have also seen it as somewhat problematic, even from my own biologicalShow MoreRelatedSchwarzenegger the Socialized Charismatic Leader and the Green Movement3504 Words   |  15 Pagesthat supports growth and a stronger state economy. Schwarzenegger has coupled the need for change with his powerful charisma. This created a vision for change and united Californians behind him. â€Å"Come on we’re from California. We have always been number one. Let’s show the rest of the world that we can come up with the best ideas. Let’s kick some butt here.† Governor Schwarzenegger. Schwarzenegger the socialized charismatic leader and the green movement Arnold Schwarzenegger is a socializedRead MoreEssay on Disney Goes to War: Animated Propaganda2554 Words   |  11 Pageseverywhere in the world,† said Walt Disney of his beloved cartoons. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Essay A Visit to the Zoo Free Essays

A Visit to the Zoo Zoo is a place where all sorts of tame and wild animals are kept. There are birds and beasts which tell us about the flora and fauna of our country as well as foreign countries. It is in this respect a giver of knowledge and information. We will write a custom essay sample on Essay: A Visit to the Zoo or any similar topic only for you Order Now Delhi zoo is housed in the Purana Kila on the Mathura Road. It has a fine and rare collection of birds and animals from all parts of the world. The zoo is spread over several acres of land. The birds and animals are kept, as far as possible, in their natural surroundings. There is a moat encircling the enclosures of wild animals so that they might not escape. One day I went to the zoo in the company of some of my friends. We bought tickets at the gate, and entered the zoo. First we came upon the enclosure where water fowls were swimming in water. The ducks and drakes were swimming and picking up things thrown to them. We enjoyed their playful antics for some time and moved on. Next we came to the enclosure of the wild animals. There were lions, tigers, and leopards belonging to different countries. The Gir lion of India seemed to be most ferocious. The enclosures smelt of meat, provided to them everyday. In another enclosure were the monkeys. They too, were of several varieties. The ape with a black face seemed to be the most mischievous. He was all the time grinning at the onlookers. The visitors threw parched grams to the monkeys and they seemed to relish it. At a small distance we saw a peacock. It was dancing. I ran to that side. The peacock seemed td be unmindful of the presence of the crowd. Closeby was an enclosure for the deer. It covered a vast area and the deer were roaming about freely- Near to the enclosure we saw a buffalo-like animal. It was the rhino munching some maize plants. It looked dreadful with its sharp horn on the nose. The sight of the rhino at once reminded me of the adventure of Colonel White as given in our text-book of English. On our way back we saw some elephants. They were being used for a joy-ride on payment. Lastly, we saw the covered enclosures where birds were flying about. They were of different colours and shapes. Now it was getting dark. The bell rang and we came out. The visit to the zoo added a good deal to our knowledge of birds and beasts. How to cite Essay: A Visit to the Zoo, Essays

Friday, December 6, 2019

Security and Privacy of Facebook User †MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about the Security and Privacy of Facebook User. Answer: Introduction: Facebook is worlds largest social networking site. Social networking sites are the network to build up communication and relationship among the people all around the world using internet. It is a faster method than face to face communication and provides a larger area of communication (Brenner Smith, 2013). Social networks can be classified into several categories like personal, location, content sharing and other networks (Brenner and Smith, 2013). This classification depends on the purpose of the network as well as the information which are being shared by that network. Facebook is a social networking site, founded by Mark Zuckerberg, which allows users profile creating, photos and videos and audio uploading, chatting and others. Features involved with Facebook are pages, events, group and many others (Krasnova, Veltri Gnther, 2012). The report is associated with the privacy that is associated with social networking sites, especially with Facebook. A networking site that is associated with sharing user information is always vulnerable as the information becomes available to everyone. Personal information which are being shared in the Facebook can easily be downloaded without proper privacy setting and that can further trouble the owner of the information. Aim of the report is to study a case related with the vulnerabilities and problems related with policies of Facebook regarding user privacy. The allegations of Federal Trade Commission against Facebooks policies and other problems developing in other parts of the world due to this are mentioned in the case study. Idea of User Privacy: Social networking sites provide the platform to share personal information like data, photos, videos, audio, status update and others (Acquisti, Brandimarte Loewenstein, 2015). The information becomes available to all the users or selective users according to the user privacy policies of the social networking sites. Information can become publicly available. Sometimes the setting option for information sharing remains public and the information become visible to all the user of the networking site (Smith et al., 2012). Sometimes the social networking site does not contain certain privacy option that restricts the entire user to view some information except the allowed ones. Sometimes interventions of third party software become the reason for the breach in privacy settings (Young Quan-Haase, 2013). Several times it has been seen that social networking sites do not give effective guarantee to protect the user information accordingly. Electronic tracking through short strings of text has been proved to be a dangerous medium of tracking information. A study performed by ATT labs had showed that information can be gathered by advertisers and other third parties from the social networking sites from the help of cookies and can use them to build a profile of users life (Tucker, 2014). Information those are gathered from the social networking sites are used both for legal and illegal purposes. Third party software developers and business users use the information to personalize applications like online games and others and to build up a successful advertise. Their market research becomes easy for them. However, in most of the cases information are used in illegal ways by cyber criminals and identity thieves. Initial Problem from the Case Study: Facebook provides the biggest platform for online social networking and communication. More than 2 billion people remain active daily in Facebook. Numerous photos, videos, status updates are posted daily in Facebook. The incident that brought out the problems as major perspective is the leakage of the photo of Randi Zuckerberg, a former senior executive and the sister of Mark Zuckerberg. The photo had been posted to friends by Randi; however it had been downloaded and posted in Twitter. The person, who had been accused primarily for posting was Callie Schweitzer, marketing director of VOX media. This problem had occurred after 11 days of the release of new privacy control settings by Facebook. Prior to that, privacy control settings are less secure and lengthy. Users have to open a different page to open the privacy control setting. New settings had provided the option in the same page as who can see my stuff option. Each post is made customizable with this option so user does not ha ve any difficulty in securing every post (Wang et al., 2013). Despite of these measures information had been leaked, which proved the inefficiency of the privacy control system. Problems Regarding Privacy: Data policy of Facebook was not accurate as per their demands. The incident of Randi Zuckerberg brought out the issues in privacy control systems. Federal Trade Commission is the government association of United States of America which protect consumer rights and information. Fundamental mission of this organisation is to investigate the businesses incorporated with public information and protect the information and also take necessary protective measures if any illegal activities are found. In the late 2011, the organisation had filed a suit which had accused Facebook for deceiving the customers and not following their policies accurately. Many third party applications are associated with Facebook, which are related to gaming, advertising, online quiz and many more (Gundecha, Liu, 2012). According to the data policies of Facebook user information like name, gender, profile pictures, status updates and others. Being an advertising company, the selling of advertisements depends on th e demographic information gathered by Facebook and according to its terms and conditions Facebook has the rights to use the information of the users (Madejski, Johnson Bellovin, 2012). Apart from that, Facebook had announced that it will not share the sensitive user information with the advertisers, only the information those are necessary and expandable will be only be shared with third party applications. Investigation of Federal Trade Commission found that the claims of Facebook of securing user information are not correct. Much sensitive information had been shared to the third party application and there had been many complaints against that. Another investigation had reflected the partnership between Facebook and Datalogix, which was a credit card purchasing information collecting company (Reynolds, 2015). The investigation had revealed that the user information of Facebook was getting involved in the advertising research of Datalogix, without consent or knowledge of the specific user. Additionally, a user was not provided to clear his or her information from the research of Datalogix from Facebook. It could only be done from the homepage of Datalogix. Additional problems had also been arisen with the subsidiaries of Facebook. In Decmber 2012, one of the acquired applications of Facebook, Instagram had announced that all the photos, updated in Instagram can be sold to the third parties without any compensation to the users as per the new privacy notice. Furthermore, the owner had also informed the metadata associated with the photos like name, gender, email id of the users will also be subjected to sell and the users disagreeing with the plans are given a few weeks notice to remove their account from Instagram. These policies had created severe discontent among the users and affected the reputation of Instagram as well as Facebook. Responsibilities of Facebook and Users: Leakage of information can be placed under the faults of organisation or the user. The case study highlights the areas regarding issues in privacy policies. Facebook had owned a specific privacy policy from the start of the business. It had prepared a privacy system to protect the user information. Despite of being involved in advertising business, the organisation had claimed that sensitive user information will not be used to third parties (Xu, Michael Chen, 2013). The incident of leaking of photo of Randy Zuckerberg was an example of the faults of Facebook regarding privacy issues. The agenda of a newly customized and more user-friendly privacy system is not only to enhance the privacy policies of the company but also to secure the user information more strongly, in a methodical way (Vitak, 2012). The incident happened just after the customization of the privacy system, which showed that the system had not been checked properly before launching. Majority of the reasons regarding privacy issues had lied with Facebook, as the investigations of Federal Trade Commission had revealed that Facebook was not following the policies. Sensitive private information like name, age, photos were getting integrated with third party applications (Reynolds, 2011). As a result, private information of consumers were becoming vulnerable and easily accessible to cyber criminals (Litt, 2013). The example of Randy Zuckerberg gives a clear picture to that, though it was not a criminal act. However, a little part of privacy policy integrates the user as well. Any information that is too sensitive for a user should not be shared in a social networking site that contains the access of more than a million users (Tan et al., 2012). Understanding of the privacy policies is very important for a user as without fully knowing the terms and conditions, a user cannot blame directly for the faults or leakage of information. Protective Measures for Privacy Policy: Privacy policy is one of the major components in the business of a social networking site. Social networking sites are the primary platform of online communication now-a-days. Users always tend to find innovative but safe social networking sites, which will provide them with new innovative options for social networking as well as keep their information protected from the third parties (Liang et al., 2014). The customization of information sharing is the new idea of Facebook for customer satisfaction. Reveal of user information to third party will definitely demoralise the user and he or she will fell that it is risky to use the site further. Therefore, introduction of new policies to protect user privacy is a compulsory matter for Facebook. The additional measurements, which are mandatory to improve the privacy settings for the users should be primarily integrate with the social networking sites. Facebook should develop an option where privacy can be customized to the specific people those one user wants and the information should be protected that no other user can download the information (Nilizadeh et al., 2012). Personal information like photos and videos can be guarded using different techniques. A new system has been launched by Facebook which is profile picture guard so that no one can download the profile picture that one has set (Stutzman, Gross Acquisti, 2013). This option is innovative but not highly effective as once a person change the profile picture the guard gets automatically turned off. This feature should be customized more accurately. Downloading of pictures should be confined among those who have been shared with. This protective option should be added with videos also. Another privacy option that should be mentioned here is the tagging information (Wilson, Gosling Graham, 2012). Many times it has been seen that users get tagged in different unknown information. Facebook has the option for removing of tags but the users should get tagged in the 1st place. Therefore, tagging option needs to be customized in such a way that a user tag an unknown person. A Privacy Issue: A privacy issue had happened with me some time ago which had led me to stop using Facebook. The issue was very severe to me. At that point anybody was able to download the profile picture of somebody and the personal information can be easily viewed. My profile picture had been downloaded by some anonymous user and some of my personal data had been gathered. After that I had watched that a fake profile had been created using those information and the profile had been used to disturb some other profiles in Facebook. Even my email id had been leaked so I was getting a good amount of spam mails. This was the issue for which I have stopped using Facebook as the information were protected very poorly. Conclusion: From the above report, it can be concluded that, user privacy is one of the major concerns of social networking sites. Social networking is an activity based on communication and sharing information that may be personal or professional. Users of these sites will always prefer that their information must be confined within their communication group and leakage of information will result a huge dissatisfaction among the users. Leakage of information always harm a user and it will definitely affect the reputation and publicity of the social networking sites. Therefore, a social networking sites must have a good set of privacy policy and appropriate system or systems integrated with the social networking sites to protect the information of their users from wrong hands. Recommendation: Main objective of recommendation is to protect the confidential information of the users from falling into wrong hands. To protect the information login approvals must be protected with efficient authentication process. Facebook has newly launched the two-factor authentication protocol for this matter. This authentication protocol must be backed up properly so that in no other way any other person can hack into ones profile. These privacy systems must be properly maintained. New systems should be launched after checking properly. The lesson can be learned from the case of Randy Zuckerberg, that in spite of presence of user privacy system the photos of her had been leaked to Twitter by a person who was not a part of the sharing group. New options should be innovated by the programmers of the organisation within a short interval of time so that the old users remain happy and the new users become more attracted towards social networking. The design of the security option can be more sty lish. Demographic information should be protected in a different manner and under no circumstances should be released to a third party. Third party applications should be permitted if they agree legally not to use any information. References: Acquisti, A., Brandimarte, L., Loewenstein, G. (2015). Privacy and human behavior in the age of information.Science,347(6221), 509-514. Brenner, J., Smith, A. (2013). 72% of online adults are social networking site users.Washington, DC: Pew Internet American Life Project.Braun, M.T., 2013. Obstacles to social networking website use among older adults.Computers in Human Behavior,29(3), pp.673-680. Gundecha, P., Liu, H. (2012). Mining social media: a brief introduction. InNew Directions in Informatics, Optimization, Logistics, and Production(pp. 1-17). Informs. Krasnova, H., Veltri, N. F., Gnther, O. (2012). Self-disclosure and privacy calculus on social networking sites: The role of culture.Business Information Systems Engineering,4(3), 127-135. Liang, X., Zhang, K., Shen, X., Lin, X. (2014). Security and privacy in mobile social networks: challenges and solutions.IEEE Wireless Communications,21(1), 33-41. Litt, E. (2013). Understanding social network site users privacy tool use.Computers in Human Behavior,29(4), 1649-1656. Madejski, M., Johnson, M., Bellovin, S. M. (2012, March). A study of privacy settings errors in an online social network. InPervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PERCOM Workshops), 2012 IEEE International Conference on(pp. 340-345). IEEE. Nilizadeh, S., Jahid, S., Mittal, P., Borisov, N., Kapadia, A. (2012, December). Cachet: a decentralized architecture for privacy preserving social networking with caching. InProceedings of the 8th international conference on Emerging networking experiments and technologies(pp. 337-348). ACM. Reynolds, G. (2011).Ethics in information technology. Cengage learning. Reynolds, G.W. (2015) Ethics in Information Technology (5th ed.). Cengage Learning. Boston Smith, M., Szongott, C., Henne, B., Von Voigt, G. (2012, June). Big data privacy issues in public social media. InDigital Ecosystems Technologies (DEST), 2012 6th IEEE International Conference on(pp. 1-6). IEEE. Stutzman, F., Gross, R., Acquisti, A. (2013). Silent listeners: The evolution of privacy and disclosure on facebook.Journal of privacy and confidentiality,4(2), 2. Tan, X., Qin, L., Kim, Y., Hsu, J. (2012). Impact of privacy concern in social networking web sites.Internet Research,22(2), 211-233. Tucker, C. E. (2014, September). Social networks, personalized advertising, and privacy controls. American Marketing Association. Vitak, J. 2012. The impact of context collapse and privacy on social network site disclosures.Journal of Broadcasting Electronic Media,56(4), pp.451-470. Wang, Y., Leon, P. G., Chen, X., Komanduri, S. (2013). From facebook regrets to facebook privacy nudges.Ohio St. LJ,74, 1307. Wilson, R. E., Gosling, S. D., Graham, L. T. (2012). A review of Facebook research in the social sciences.Perspectives on psychological science,7(3), 203-220. Xu, F., Michael, K., Chen, X. (2013). Factors affecting privacy disclosure on social network sites: an integrated model.Electronic Commerce Research,13(2), 151-168. Young, A. L., Quan-Haase, A. (2013). Privacy protection strategies on Facebook: The Internet privacy paradox revisited.Information, Communication Society,16(4), 479-500.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Who Is an Architect an Example by

Who Is an Architect? Architecture has always been one of the most rapidly evolving areas of human performance. Since ancient times, and across different cultures, architecture was inevitably associated with the art of construction. With time, the products of technological development have changed the image of architecture; an architect was no longer a builder; rather, he was turning into a professional technologist and businessman. Despite the growing interest to architecture as an area of professional activity, we still lack a clear definition of who an architect is. Despite the fact that the word architect seems to have one semantic meaning, it is filled with numerous hidden connotations, which vary from culture to culture and make the definition of an architect as intangible as architecture itself. Need essay sample on "Who Is an Architect?" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed Architecture vs. an Architect: the Force of Evolution The art of architecture is inevitably associated with the art of building; but do we have the right to limit an architects role to that of a builder? In the course of architectural evolution, architects functions were never limited to building; on the contrary, architects comprised numerous roles and functions that changed under the impact of the changing social and cultural orders. Long before the appearance of a self-identified architectural profession, most American cultures recognized some of their members as specialists with superior skills or knowledge of building, yet their roles varied from culture to culture (Upton 247), and only by the beginning of the 18th century America has gradually approached the modern meaning of architecture as the reasonable combination of construction, management, leadership, and supervision. The evolution of architecture symbolizes the long journey of architecture as an art of construction to architecture as business. At the beginning of the 18th century, architecture as business and science was deeply disorganized. The roles of architects varied from culture to culture; the architectural functions in urban territories were completely different from those in rural areas. Architects varied in their skills, from small craft workers who restricted themselves to equally small building and repair jobs to large-scale contractors or undertakers (Upton 248). Although craft organizations were called for disciplining architecture as business, professional unions lacked a single and relevant definition of architecture, and as a result, of an architect. While some were designing buildings based on their knowledge of craft, others were deeply fascinated with the art of design. Slowly but steadily, architecture was turning into a continuous line with art and science at one end, and wi th business and customer service at the other. By the beginning of the 20th century, architecture has finally become a profitable area of business performance. Who is an Architect? As we try to define the role and place of an architect in the modern structure of social and economic relations, we face the lack of appropriate criteria that could be used to produce a single and relevant definition of the architect. Sociologists define a profession as a full-time occupation that has its own training schools, a professional organization, licensing and other forms of community recognition, a code of ethics, and the right of self-governance (Upton 250). Taking into account the changeability of architecture across civilizations and cultures, and the changeability of the architects roles, the sociological definition of a profession does not leave any space for change; moreover, it borders on standardization and significantly limits the scope of the architects knowledge, skills, and practical obligations. Architecture is art; and art is intangible. Architecture is business; and business is subject to changes. Certainly, the segmentation of the American economy calls for the separation of handwork from headwork; in this context, the architect is gradually acquiring the features of a widely accepted and recognized profession. Simultaneously, industrialization and reorganization of labor change the traditional image of architecture, and now like the most successful producers of consumer goods, large, centralized, corporate architectural firms offer a highly polished, high-quality, predictable product (Upton 254). However, these economic and social winds do not change the essence of our relations with architecture: here, categorizing is equal to stereotyping, and stereotyping is inappropriate in architecture. Evidently, the time has come when we must recognize that like art, architecture enjoys a special status arising from its traditional role as a vehicle of social identity and from the metaphorical power of architecture as a symbolic or sign system (Upton 255). Architecture is more than a simple profession; architecture is the language of art that cannot be defined in strict and limited terms. To be an architect actually means to be an artistic persona with a self-conscious rhetoric of integrity, embattlement, and singularity (Upton 265), similar to Frank Lloyd Wright who was the first to epitomize the architect. Architecture is business, and business requires professional knowledge, but architecture is more than profession. We cannot limit our understanding of architecture to the use of jatakas, which undermine cognitive exclusivity, exposing it as a hollow pretence (Upton 268), because architecture is both unique and exclusive. Architecture is a lifestyle, combined with academic educ ation and practical experience. Architecture is selling ones unique and intangible style, which is later reflected in completely tangible works of architectural art. Like physician or lawyer, the word architect may have one semantic vocabulary meaning; but unlike physician or lawyer, the word architect has multiple hidden connotations the connotations that change under the impact of external social and cultural factors and that deprive us of a chance to produce a single, relevant, and never-changing definition of the architect. Conclusion Throughout the centuries, and across cultures, the architects roles were constantly changing. From being a builder and supervisor, architects have gradually turned into businessmen with sound academic knowledge and excellent leadership skills. To define an architect as a profession means to limit the scope of the architects roles; that is why we will hardly be able to define who the architect is. All we can do is to reconcile with the long-standing vision of architecture as a lifestyle reflected in wonderful and always unique works of architectural art. Works Cited Upton, D. Chapter 6. Art. In D. Upton, Architecture in the United States. Oxford University Press, 1998, pp. 247-83.

Monday, November 25, 2019

The Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland

The Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland Also known as the Central African Federation, the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland was created between August 1st and October 23, 1953, and lasted until December 31, 1963. The federation joined the British protectorate of Northern Rhodesia (now Zambia), the colony of Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), and the protectorate of Nyasaland (now Malawi). Origins of the Federation White European settlers in the region were perturbed about the increasing black African population but had been stopped during the first half of the twentieth century from introducing more draconian rules and laws by the British Colonial Office. The end of World War II led to increased white immigration, especially in Southern Rhodesia, and there was a worldwide need for copper which existed in quantity in Northern Rhodesia. White settler leaders and industrialists once again called for a union of the three colonies to increase their potential and harness the black workforce. The election of the National Party in South Africa in 1948 worried the British government, which began to see federation as a potential counter to the Apartheid policies being introduced in SA. It was also seen as a potential sop to black nationalists in the region who were starting to ask for independence. Black nationalists in Nyasaland and Northern Rhodesia were worried that the white settlers of Southern Rhodesia would come to dominate any authority created for the new federation; this proved to be true, as the Federations first appointed prime minister was Godfrey Huggins, Viscount Malvern, who had already served as PM of Southern Rhodesia for 23 years. Operation of the Federation The British government planned for the Federation to eventually become a British dominion, and it was overseen from the start by a British assigned governor-general. The federation was an economic success, at least at the start, and there was an investment in a few expensive engineering projects, such as the Kariba hydro-electric dam on the Zambezi. In addition, in comparison to South Africa, the political landscape was more liberal. Black Africans worked as junior ministers and there was an income/property-owning basis to the franchise which allowed some black Africans to vote. There was still, however, an effective white minority rule to the government of the federation, and just as the rest of Africa was expressing a desire for majority rule, nationalist movements in the federation were growing. Break up of the Federation In 1959 Nyasaland nationalists called for action, and the resultant disturbances led to the authorities declaring a state of emergency. Nationalist leaders, including Dr. Hastings Kamuzu Banda, were detained, many without a trial. After his release in 1960, Banda decamped to London, where with Kenneth Kaunda and Joshua Nkomo he continued to campaign for an end to the federation. The early sixties saw independence come to a number of French African colonies, and the British prime minister, Harold Macmillan, gave his famous wind of change speech in South Africa. The British had already decided in 1962 that Nyasaland should be allowed to secede from the federation. A conference held in early 63 at Victoria Falls was seen as a last-ditch attempt to maintain the federation. It failed. It was announced on February 1, 1963, that the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland would be broken up. Nyasaland achieved independence, within the Commonwealth, as Malawi on July 6, 1964. Northern Rhodesia became independent as Zambia on October 24th that year. White settlers in Southern Rhodesia announced a Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI) on November 11, 1965.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Exploring the use of space Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Exploring the use of space - Essay Example Students eventually end up in places that speak to their inner preferences and the areas that reflect the most amount of qualities subconsciously desired. The fitness obsession that has gripped America for the past several years appears not to have passed up Humber College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning because at Humber, the gymnasium currently appears to represent a larger slice of students' needs, judging by attendance, rather than the gamesroom, which may have been a more popular choice in the past. In the gamesroom, arcade machines play sentry along the walls, offering students dozens of different choices ranging from pinball to the latest combat tournament. Though there is limited seating, the room is designed for standing and moving about and boasts modern features and a large, bright, well-lit space for students to socialize in. Those who patronize the gamesroom do so to relax and socialize in the casual atmosphere. The pressure is off here, and students of all sorts pay a small fee to use the pool tables and arcade games to unwind from their studies and de-stress from life. The every-day gender of the room tends to lean toward the male side of the scale, probably because video games and billiards are more of engaging activities for males rather than females. Thus, the course representation has more of a limited focus around the subjects that men tend to study, such as science or math. The gym, however, attracts all walks... The bright spaces complement the vibrant atmosphere and the fluorescent lighting further promotes the upbeat mentality that young people exude when exercising, be it on rowing machines or at indoor soccer matches. Though the places were built to accommodate students participating in activities on the opposite ends of the entertainment spectrum, the bright, well-lit, modern facilities sported by both structures cultivate a positive atmosphere, whether students play Duke Nukem or badminton. Both buildings also offer students a laid-back area to mutually socialize and perhaps meet up with a new friend or convene with a club. Though there is limited seating, the wide range of diversions offered at each facility give students choices that appeal to many senses. Since students arrive at Humber from all different backgrounds, the variety of activities offered by the school is an important factor when considering higher education. The gamesroom at Humber appeals to many students who like the problem-solving aspects of the digital world and utilize video and arcade games as a way to wind down from the stresses of everyday life for just fifty cents. The pool tables are another diversion well known in the student world for a place to convene and involve one another in the complicated aspects of potting balls with a stick. At a dollar twenty-five per game, billiards engage many students who while away an afternoon or evening with relaxed banter. The gym at Humber allows students to banter while doing whatever fitness activity they prefer, though the conversation isn't quite as loose as that in the game room due to the generally more hurried quality that exercise assumes. However, the programs

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Issues in Contemporary Real Estate Development Research Paper

Issues in Contemporary Real Estate Development - Research Paper Example As a developer, initially, after the agreement of not taking up any old projects on the site, it is important for one to go through the general issues with regard to the project and the real estate developer. In the given project, one has to go through an initial windmill and attempt to understand and propose the various measures that one can take in the development of the stated land. One of the most interested parties in the development of this project is a school located in Chicago, Illinois. .However, the school itself has the idea of turning green and this is completely different from the strategies that the windmill had in the initial stages. There are different statutory implications of purchasing the land, such as the local government of the area may not have wanted the land to get altered in a manner through which it would turn green. The effect on the site, later on, is that water resources may lack to be maintained in the land In order to operate on the land, the school has to fill out various applications. One of the applications that the school has to take seriously is in form of a title deed. The deed shows the various signatories to the land and that they are the rightful owners of the property. Collateral is another important agreement that one has to take up. This is from the fact that the previous owners of the land may have done some damage on the land that may have various health implications especially keeping in mind that the new tenants of the land are schoolchildren. Seeing as the school intends to utilize the land as a green project, there are various measures that they ought to take in order to make it habitable to their specifications.  

Monday, November 18, 2019

Reflective Learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Reflective Learning - Essay Example This involved a lot of wavering around several topics. This itself involved a deep process of thinking looking for what constitutes knowledge or theory of knowledge. As Syke(1984) states that epistemology is the theory of methods or grounds of knowledge. I had several options to apply to get to this knowledge. I could gather it as a rationalist( knowledge through reasoning),as an empiricist( knowledge through experiences and observation),as a realist( knowledge through direct view),as a critical realist(knowledge by combining views with existing theories) and as a subjective realist (knowledge through perception and models). This posed another step in intellectual advancement as it lay clear the logical process to knowledge given the nature of topic to be taken up. Finally looking at the topic I decided to apply a critical realist approach combining it with empiricism. Understanding existing theory implied that I have a clear definition of what constitutes theory.As Kerlinger(1979) s tates, "A theory is asset of interrelated constructs(variables),definitions and propositions that present a systematic view of phenomena by specifying relationships among variables with the purpose of explaining natural phenomena". This set me up for the search of these variables and relationships. I also relied on simple definition of theory by Black(1993) who states that a theory is an ' explanation of how things function or why events occur'. Then the outcomes of the research consumed my attention at the next level of concretising the intellectual thought process. It was apparent that the given topic would be amenable to research through deductive intent staring with existing theories and testing such theory with empirical secondary data. Most of the theories focused on were content specific and substantive as the topic involved a specific region which had characteristics quite unique for grand or middle level theories to work to any effect. The entire process of intellectual dev elopment in relation to choice of topic and research methods to adopt, as detailed above involved a huge amount of critical and reflective thinking. In fact the concept of critical thinking had to be understood in full before such a process of intellectual up gradation was taken up. It formed the foundation. Literature on critical and reflective thinking helped he process along.Starting as early as the1909, Dewy, the American philosopher, psychologist and educator we have a structured definition of the phrase critical thinking. He equated critical thinking to 'reflective thinking' and defined it as "Active, persistent, and careful consideration of a belief or supposed form of knowledge in the light of the grounds which support it and the further conclusions to which it tends" (Dewy, 1909, p.9). Building further on Dewey's ideas, Glaser defined critical thinking as: "An attitude of being disposed to consider in a thoughtful way the problems

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Violence On Television Affects Children Negatively Media Essay

Violence On Television Affects Children Negatively Media Essay Children watch an average of three to four hours of television daily. Television can be a powerful influence in developing value systems and shaping behavior. Unfortunately, much of todays television programming is violent. Hundreds of studies of the effects of TV violence on children and teenagers have found that children may, become immune to the horror of violence and gradually accept violence as a way to solve problems.   Sometimes, watching a single violent program can increase aggressiveness into childrens who view shows in which violence is very realistic, frequently repeated or unpunished, are more likely to imitate what they see. Children with emotional, behavioral, learning or impulse control problems may be more easily influenced by TV violence. The impact of TV violence may be immediately evident in the childs behavior or may surface years later, and young people can even be affected when the family atmosphere shows no tendency toward violence.   While TV violence is not the only cause of aggressive or violent behavior, it is clearly a significant factor. Because there is a great deal of violence in both adult and childrens programming, just limiting the number of hours children watch television will probably reduce the amount of aggression they see. Parents should watch at least one episode of the programs their children watch. That way theyll know what their children are watching and be able to talk about it with them.  When they see a violent incident, parents can discuss with their child what caused the character to act in a violent way. They should also point out that this kind of behavior is not characteristic, not the way adults usually solve their problems. They can ask their children to talk about other ways the character could have reacted, or other nonviolent solutions to the characters problem. Parents can outright ban any programs that they find too offensive by making sure theyre appropriate before your child watches them. Also you can restrict their viewing to shows that you feel are more beneficial, such as documentaries, educational shows and so on. Its also a good idea to make sure your child has a wide variety of free-time activities in addition to TV, video games, and the Internet. Activities like reading, playing with friends, and sports can all play a vital part in helping your child develop a healthy body and mind. Effects of Media Violence The effect of media violence seems to be a heated debate among researchers and the public as well. According to David Gauntlett, despite many decades of research and hundreds of studies, the connections between peoples consumption of the mass media and their subsequent behavior have remained persistently elusive. (Gauntlett, 1998). He also states that the media effects research has quite consistently taken the wrong approach to the mass media, its audiences, and society in general. (Gauntlett, 1998). I agree with this statement, I think that the environmental and cultural influences have been neglected in the majority of the research done on this topic. In all the research that I have read through, I have found that the researchers involved have many disagreements. I went to the Media Awareness Network website and found an article where Andrea Martinez did a review of all the scientific writing for a Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission. She concluded that the lack of consensus about media effects reflects three grey areas or constraints contained in the research itself. (Media Awareness Network, Par. 2) The three grey areas are that media violence is hard to define, researchers disagree over the relationship, and those that agree argue the way that one affects the other. It seems that the effect of media violence is hard to research and prove the kind of connection it has with aggressive behavior. In my opinion, it is hard to prove the relationship because there are too many external factors that need to be taken into consideration. Environmental and cultural influences, to me, seem like an important part tha t needs to be considered and in all the research I have seen it is not. According to Martinez, there is a positive, though weak, relation between exposure to television violence and aggressive behavior. Violence in the media can have different effects. I personally feel that it differs from each person, but also that it depends on each individuals environmental and cultural influences. According to one website, there are four different psychological effects that can occur from violence in the media, they are Direct, Desensitization, Mean World Syndrome, and Catharsis. In the direct effect individuals who watch a lot of violence on television could attain aggressive behavior or be more favorable towards violence. I feel that the way the media portrays certain things is done in a way to purposely affect peoples emotions. There are certain instances where I do feel that the violence being shown in the media can cause anger, but it is in the way it is represented not because of the violence contained in it. In desensitization, the viewer may become less sensitive to violence occurring and less sensitive to the pain violence can cause. People who live in violent environments or cultures see violence a lot and can become desensitized to violence and therefore would be prone to act aggressively. When living in these environments it becomes more of a learned behavior rather than a reaction to the violence in the media. With Mean World Syndrome, the viewers may begin to view their environment as a violent place. To me, I would think the people that develop this syndrome are sensitive to what they see or are involved in. For someone to honestly believe that the world around them is a violent place and to not see the good that does occur is extremely hard for me to understand. Catharsis can possibly be a positive effect by actually reducing the aggression. I feel that these effects would have a lot to do with the individual as well as their environment as to how they will be affected. I have noticed though, that most of the research does seem to leave out the environmental and cultural effects. These effects, to me, seem to have a big influence on whether or not there wo uld be a connection between media violence and aggressiveness. The Media Awareness Network had a lot of other articles pertaining to media violence, but the majority of the research had been done with children. One experiment in particular seems to have stuck in my mind because of the age of the children involved. I unfortunately did not print up this article and cannot find it online anymore. From what I recall, they showed a certain group of 2-3 year olds a violent cartoon while showing another group a non-violent cartoon. When they put both groups in the same room to play, the toddlers that watched the violent cartoon were more aggressive than the toddlers that did not watch the violent cartoon. Many other researchers however stated that this study wasnt very useful because cartoons are meant for comedic relief. In this study, it makes sense that the toddlers acted aggressively because that is what they had just seen. Toddlers, especially at this age, imitate what they see and hear. Since they were shown violence they acted out what they had seen. I do not think this would be an accurate way to test the effects of media violence or to prove a relationship between media violence and aggressive behavior, I think it showed that an individual would need to reinforce the toddler letting them know that what they see is not what they should do. If someone were to teach them this then they will know when they are older that they should not be violent or aggressive. Young children have yet to learn that violence is not the answer, and in a normal setting, the child behaving aggressively would be corrected so they would know that it was the wrong thing to do. In my personal opinion I feel there is no correlation between media violence and aggressive behavior, if there is a correlation I believe it to be a very weak one. Correlational method is defined in our book as, a numerical value that indicates the strength and direction of the relationship between two variables. (Wood, Wood, and Boyd, 2004). Therefore, a correlation would be whether or not there is a relationship and if there is how strong or weak that relationship is. My personal belief is that just because an individual watches a violent movie, plays a violent video game, or listens to violent lyrics, does not mean that person will go out and act more aggressively or act out what they have seen or heard. To me, it seems to be common sense that seeing or hearing violent acts or behaviors does not mean someone should copy those behaviors or acts. I feel that if one were raised with any kind of morals or values, then they would know the difference between right and wrong and that an individual would know that they should not go and perform what they saw or heard. I strongly feel that the way an individual is raised directly affects how things affect that person and if they are raised in a happy non-aggressive environment then they would not act aggressively as a result of the violence in the media. When someone knows right from wrong, I feel that they would know not to act aggressively unless they are in a situation where aggressiveness is warranted. Granted, there are some instances where one would not know these differences. I feel that children of a certain age have not completely learned about morals and values, so they do not know that what they have seen or heard are the wrong things to do. This is why legally, a minor under the age of 14 cannot be held liable for their actions. Minors under 14 have not yet completely learned right from wrong and, therefore, cannot competently make decisions. This is why I dont feel you can use children in any kind of res earch trying to define the relationship between media violence and aggressive behavior. There are also psychological disorders that could prevent an individual from comprehending the difference between right and wrong. People with very low IQs also may have trouble understanding the differences between right and wrong. Once again, individuals with these types of disorders cannot be held liable for their actions legally because they cannot competently make these decisions. In my opinion, the majority of people that commit these violent acts and then blame it on the media had no one to teach them the differences between right and wrong, or had no one around who cared to teach them these things. Unfortunately, there are also people that blame the media to try and have an excuse to get out of the consequences of their behaviors or actions. I feel that, in children, it is up to the parents to teach them what is acceptable and what is not, and to teach them that what they see and hear is not always the correct thing to do. I feel that society is blaming media violence for aggressive behavior when, for the most part, the blame should be laid on the individuals who brought up and cared for the individual. It was their responsibility to raise these individuals with the knowledge to know the difference between right and wrong and to know that being aggressive or violent is never the solution. From what I have learned the effect of media violence is hard to measure and it is equally as hard to define if there is a relationship and how strong or weak that relationship is. The research on the effects has yet to yield anything conclusive and each researchers results vary as to whether the relationship between the violence and aggressive behavior is strong or weak. In the end, I maintain my belief that it depends upon the individual and their environment and culture as to whether or not there is a relationship and how strong or weak that relationship is.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Need for Policy Maker to Regulate Human Genetic Engineering Essay

My research essay will concentrate on the topic of human genetic engineering (HGE) and will argue that if doctors further develop HGE, it could improve the ability of humans to fight disease. However, my argument will temper this claim by suggesting that policy makers should regulate HGE so that doctors cannot use it for cosmetic purposes or eugenics. The first part of my paper will provide an overview of what HGE is and the processes involved with such technology of HGE. I will then analyze the potential risks associated with HGE, which include: safety risks; potential threats to genetic diversity and a decrease to the human life span. I will argue that these risks are directly linked to the use of HGE for individual benefit. Inversely this paper will also consider the benefits of HGE, which are connected to the use of HGE for the benefit of the collective. The potential benefits include: the manipulation of genes to treat or cure diseases, and potential increase to the human life s pan. The last part of my paper will assess the future of HGE and suggest that more research is needed to ensure that scientists can eliminate safety risks to test-subjects as well as to eliminate There is a recent increase in evidence that HGE can potentially be used to alter many biological and psychological traits by gene modification. The main focuses of HGE research are traits that target immunity, cognitive abilities and psychological mentality. HGE differs from archaic processes of selective breeding and artificial selection because it directly alters genes. HGE modifies the genomes of humans to produce a specific phenotype (a set of observable characteristics of an organism) or genotype (genetic constitution of an organism) that embodies des... ... HGE for the collective good. The use of HGE for the collective is the key to an increase in the persistence of the human population. Instead of the selection of desirable traits through the use of HGE it could be utilized to create an increase in the diversity of traits amongst humans. This is possible in the future if scientists can generate new phenotypes. These new phenotypes might code for traits that humans do not possess naturally, but could help fight against potential future environment changes or pathogen outbreaks. This could be especially important with the increase in effects of global warming in the future. The use of HGE for the collective has the opposite effect than the use of HGE for individual benefit, as it potentially could help scientists tailor genes that possess the facility to combat new threats to the human population that may arise.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Leaflet Essay

There are many forms of prejudice and discrimination and it can be experienced by anyone at anytime. This booklet is designed to help parents understand the impact it can have on children and young people and why as a school we do not accept it in any form, be it from a fellow pupil, a member of staff or outside professional or a parent/guardian or family member. Who is most at risk? The children and young people most at risk from prejudice and or discrimination are:- * The disabled * Those with Special Educational Needs * Those who speak a language different from the majority * Those from a different culture, ethnicity or race * Those who appear differently (red hair, glasses, birth mark etc) * Anyone new to school * Anyone who has an high or low ability * All children according to their gender Different forms of prejudice and discrimination. There are many different forms of prejudice and discrimination and they may experience one or more of these at any given time. * This can include name calling. * Being left out of activities or groups. * â€Å"Dumbing down† so as not to be labelled a â€Å"swat or geek†. * Being left out because they have a lower ability and are classed as â€Å"stupid†. * Those from a poorer background may suffer because they cannot afford to go on school trips. * Being picked on because they look different, i.e. being called â€Å"ginger nut or carrot top† because they have red hair or â€Å"specky four eyes† because they wear glasses. * Any one new to school may experience being left out because they have no friends and peer groups have already been formed. * Girls and boys can be discriminated against just because of their gender, â€Å"girls are not supposed to play football† and â€Å"boys shouldn’t play with dolls or dance†. All of the above are forms of prejudice and discrimination and not everyone will realise this and may have experience it or been the abuser. The effects prejudice and discrimination can have on children and young people. There are many affects that these forms of prejudice and discrimination can have on the victim. They range from mild to severe dependent on how long, severe the abuse and the state of mind of the victim. They may feel unvalued, lack in confidence, withdraw into themselves, they won’t volunteer for activities so as not to draw attention to themselves, they may have difficulty focusing and low self esteem and all this impacts on their friendships and family life. The longer this goes on the more withdrawn they become and they can then turn self harming or drink and drugs (young people) and in very severe cases they could commit suicide. The impact our values and attitudes have. The way we behave around children and young people with regard to our attitudes and values have a huge impact on the children and young people we live with, work with and care for. The way we interact with these children and young people is very important because they are not born with attitudes; attitudes are learnt from those who have a significant input in their lives. It is our job as adults to set an example to them and the earlier the better. * How can we expect them to do something if we are not prepared to do it ourselves? * Whatever our religion/beliefs we should show them that it is alright to be curious about other religions and beliefs, diversity is part of our everyday lives. * Other cultures can teach us different views and rituals (so increase our awareness of why they may do things differently). * We should encourage our children and young people to experience different activities (be it a girl playing football or a boy dancing). * We are all individuals and should be treated as such. * A child with special needs or a disability is still a child with feelings and emotions. * If we are gifted and talented and learn easily doesn’t mean we are not fun to be around. * If we have special needs and need extra help with things it doesn’t mean my feelings cannot be hurt. In school it is important to promote Anti-discriminatory practice to the children and young people in our charge so that they are aware that it is not acceptable behaviour. It is important to teach them that we are all different and unique and that this is a good thing. We have to teach them to respect one another’s diversity and empathize with those who are different (those who are the victims of prejudice and discrimination) who they may be abusing or know to be the victim of abuse. We must teach them to value each other as individuals and value each other’s opinions and rights to be different, and teach them that we are all equals. As a parent/carer, professional or even a pupil it is our duty to report any form of prejudice or discrimination that we experience or witness, whether it be from a member of staff, an outside professional, a parent/carer or a pupil. You should always challenge prejudice and discrimination and you should tell whomever it is that it is unacceptable to express their views in this way, be it to you or someone else or indeed to the pupil themselves. It is not acceptable to discriminate against another person and if it carries on you will report it to the relevant senior member of staff in line with the policies and procedures set out for your setting. Support must be provided to the victim of the abuse and they must be encouraged to respond with positive action. Extra help may be needed to help them recover their self esteem and confidence. Wherever possible get the abuser to apologise to the victim and if possible get them to empathize with the victim. So if you see it, experience it or hear it, report it!

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Biography of Stephen Biko, Anti-Apartheid Activist

Biography of Stephen Biko, Anti-Apartheid Activist Steve Biko (Born Bantu Stephen Biko; December 18, 1946–September 12, 1977) was one of South Africas most significant political activists and a leading founder of South Africas Black Consciousness Movement. His death in police detention in 1977 led to his being hailed a martyr of the anti-apartheid struggle. Fast Facts: Stephen Bantu (Steve) Biko Known For:  Prominent anti-apartheid activist, writer, founder of Black Consciousness Movement, considered a martyr after his death in a Pretoria prisonAlso Known As:  Bantu Stephen Biko, Steve Biko, Frank Talk (pseudonym)Born:  December 18, 1946 in King Williams Town, Eastern Cape, South AfricaParents: Mzingaye Biko and Nokuzola Macethe DunaDied:  September 12, 1977 in a Pretoria prison cell, South AfricaEducation: Lovedale College, St Francis College, University of Natal Medical SchoolPublished Works:  I Write What I like: Selected Writings by Steve Biko, The Testimony of Steve BikoSpouses/Partners: Ntsiki Mashalaba, Mamphela RampheleChildren: 2Notable Quote: The blacks are tired of standing at the touchlines to witness a game that they should be playing. They want to do things for themselves and all by themselves. Early Life and Education Stephen Bantu Biko was born on December 18, 1946, into a Xhosa  family. His father Mzingaye Biko worked as a policeman and later as a clerk in the King William’s Town Native Affairs office. His father achieved part of a university education through the University of South Africa (UNISA), the distance-learning university, but he died before completing his law degree. After his fathers death, Bikos mother Nokuzola Macethe Duna supported the family as a cook at Greys Hospital. From an early age, Steve Biko showed an interest in anti-apartheid politics. After being expelled from his first school, Lovedale College in the Eastern Cape, for anti-establishment behavior, he was transferred to St. Francis College, a Roman Catholic boarding school in Natal. From there he enrolled as a student at the University of Natal Medical School (in the universitys Black Section). While at medical school, Biko became involved with the National Union of South African Students (NUSAS). The union was dominated by white liberals and failed to represent the needs of black students. Dissatisfied, Biko resigned in 1969 and founded the South African Students Organisation (SASO). SASO was involved in providing legal aid and medical clinics, as well as helping to develop cottage industries for disadvantaged black communities. Biko and Black Consciousness In 1972 Biko was one of the founders of the Black Peoples Convention (BPC), working on social upliftment projects around Durban. The BPC effectively brought together roughly 70 different black consciousness groups and associations, such as the South African Students Movement (SASM), which later played a significant role in the 1976 uprisings, the National Association of Youth Organisations, and the Black Workers Project, which supported black workers whose unions were not recognized under the apartheid regime. Biko was elected as the first president of the BPC and was promptly expelled from medical school. He started working full-time for the Black Community Programme (BCP) in Durban, which he also helped found. Banned by the Apartheid Regime In 1973 Steve Biko was banned by the apartheid government. Under the ban, Biko was restricted to his hometown of Kings Williams Town in the Eastern Cape. He could no longer support the Black Community Programme in Durban, but he was able to continue working for the Black Peoples Convention. From King Williams Town, he helped set up the Zimele Trust Fund which assisted political prisoners and their families. Despite the ban, Biko was elected Honorary President of the BPC in January 1977. Detention Biko was detained and interrogated four times between August 1975 and September 1977 under Apartheid era anti-terrorism legislation. On August 21, 1977, Biko was detained by the Eastern Cape security police and held in Port Elizabeth. From the Walmer police cells, he was taken for interrogation at the security police headquarters. According to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of South Africa  report, on September 7, 1977, Biko sustained a head injury during interrogation, after which he acted strangely and was uncooperative. The doctors who examined him (naked, lying on a mat and manacled to a metal grille) initially disregarded overt signs of neurological injury. Death By September 11, Biko had slipped into a continual semi-conscious state and the police physician recommended a transfer to hospital. Biko was, however, transported 1,200 kilometers to Pretoria- a 12-hour journey which he made lying naked in the back of a Land Rover. A few hours later, on September 12, alone and still naked, lying on the floor of a cell in the Pretoria Central Prison, Biko died from brain damage. The Apartheid Governments Response South African Minister of Justice James (Jimmy) Kruger initially suggested Biko had died of a hunger strike and said that his death left him cold. The hunger strike story was dropped after local and international media pressure, especially from Donald Woods, the editor of the East London Daily Dispatch. It was revealed in the inquest that Biko had died of brain damage, but the magistrate failed to find anyone responsible. He ruled that Biko had died as a result of injuries sustained during a scuffle with security police while in detention. An Anti-Apartheid Martyr The brutal circumstances of Bikos death caused a worldwide outcry and he became a martyr and symbol of black resistance to the oppressive apartheid regime. As a result, the South African government banned a number of individuals (including Donald Woods) and organizations, especially those Black Consciousness groups closely associated with Biko. The United Nations Security Council responded by finally imposing an arms embargo against South Africa. Bikos family sued the state for damages in 1979 and settled out of court for R65,000 (then equivalent to $25,000). The three doctors connected with Bikos case were initially exonerated by the South African Medical Disciplinary Committee. It was not until a second inquiry in 1985, eight years after Bikos death, that any action was taken against them. The police officers responsible for Bikos death applied for amnesty during the Truth and Reconciliation Commission hearings, which sat in Port Elizabeth in 1997. The Biko family did not ask the Commission to make a finding on his death. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of South Africa report, published by Macmillan in March 1999, said of Bikos death: The Commission finds that the death in detention of Mr Stephen Bantu Biko on 12 September 1977 was a gross human rights violation. Magistrate Marthinus Prins found that the members of the SAP were not implicated in his death. The magistrates finding contributed to the creation of a culture of impunity in the SAP. Despite the inquest finding no person responsible for his death, the Commission finds that, in view of the fact that Biko died in the custody of law enforcement officials, the probabilities are that he died as a result of injuries sustained during his detention. Legacy In 1987, Biko’s story was chronicled in the film  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Cry Freedom.† The hit song Biko, by Peter Gabriel, honored Steve Bikos legacy in 1980. Stephen Biko remains a model and hero in the struggle for autonomy and self-determination for people around the world. His writings, his life work, and his tragic death were all historically crucial to the momentum and success of the South African anti-apartheid movement. Nelson Mandela called Biko the spark that lit a veld fire across South Africa. Sources Mangcu, Xolela. Biko, A Biography. Tafelberg, 2012.Sahoboss. â€Å"Stephen Bantu Biko.†Ã‚  South African History Online, 4 Dec. 2017.Woods, Donald. Biko. Paddington Press, 1978.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Golden Notebook, Doris Lessings Feminist Novel

The Golden Notebook, Doris Lessings Feminist Novel Doris Lessings The Golden Notebook was published in 1962. Over the next several years,  feminism  again became a significant movement in the United States, the United Kingdom, and much of the world. The Golden Notebook was seen by many feminists of the 1960s as an influential work that revealed the experience of women in society. Notebooks of a Womans Life The Golden Notebook tells the story of Anna Wulf and her four notebooks of different colors that narrate aspects of her life. The notebook of the title is a fifth, gold-colored notebook in which Annas sanity is questioned as she weaves together the other four notebooks. Annas dreams and diary entries appear throughout the novel. Postmodern Structure The Golden Notebook has autobiographical layers: the character Anna reflects elements of author Doris Lessings own life, while Anna writes an autobiographical novel about her imagined Ella, who writes autobiographical stories. The structure of The Golden Notebook also intertwines the political conflicts and emotional conflicts in the characters lives. Feminism and feminist theory often rejected traditional form and structure in art and literature. The Feminist Art Movement considered rigid form to be a representation of patriarchal society, a male-dominated hierarchy. Feminism and postmodernism often overlap; both theoretical viewpoints can be seen in analysis of The Golden Notebook. A Consciousness-Raising Novel Feminists also responded to the consciousness-raising aspect of The Golden Notebook. Each of Annas four notebooks reflects a different area of her life, and her experiences lead to a larger statement about flawed society as a whole. The idea behind consciousness-raising is that the personal experiences of women should not be separated from the political movement of feminism. In fact, the personal experiences of women reflect the political state of society. Hearing Womens Voices The Golden Notebook was both groundbreaking and controversial. It dealt with womens sexuality and questioned assumptions about their relationships with men. Doris Lessing has often stated that the thoughts expressed in The Golden Notebook should not have come as a surprise to anyone. Women had obviously been saying these things, she said, but had anyone been listening? Is The Golden Notebook a Feminist Novel? Although The Golden Notebook is often hailed by feminists as an important consciousness-raising novel, Doris Lessing has notably downplayed a feminist interpretation of her work. While she may not have set out to write a political novel, her work does illustrate ideas that were relevant to the feminist movement, particularly in the sense that the personal is political. Several years after The Golden Notebook was published, Doris Lessing said that she was a feminist because women were second-class citizens. Her rejection of a feminist reading of The Golden Notebook is not the same as rejecting feminism. She also expressed surprise that while women had long been saying these things, it made all the difference in the world that someone wrote them down. The Golden Notebook was listed as one of the hundred best novels in English by Time magazine. Doris Lessing was awarded the 2007 Nobel Prize in Literature.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Thomson's paper" A Defense of Abortion" Essay

Thomson's paper" A Defense of Abortion" - Essay Example ally permissible even if we grant that a fetus is a person,† seems rather speculative, taking into account the fact that author herself stresses that in many cases abortion is impermissible - until it is about saving mother’s life or aborting a child of violation. Second, the article is an author’s response for responses of other authors and is just a part of a bigger dialogue that can not be estimated totally, and thereby is taken out of context. And while responding to strict moralists, which stress that any of mentioned forward (raping or life-saving) reasons can be taken into account, author looks like an aggressive supporter of abortions. And this analysis would be made with these facts considered. The first, author is flouncing between moral and legal issues. At first she addresses human nature, asking about human wish to be unwillingly bound to someone else, the attention is concentrated on aspect of a free will, and the good nature of it is being preserved. Then focus of attention of the reader switches to an issue of â€Å"whether a human law can oblige human behave humanly†. Thereby a person, who protects her right to choose a way to use her body, is thus can be considered right by the logic and common sense, eventually turns out â€Å"immoral and bad, but still legal†. This way it turns out that the human rights protected by logic and human rights protected by law are way different. Thomson calls the thing, which she claims right, both good and bad. That serves well to my presumption of an ambivalent nature of an article. The second: author is contradicting herself. Thus in the first part of the text she acts emotionally, like speculating on person’s wish to protect own health and property, sympathy to a boy, who had been deprived of his candies, etc. She manipulates with human greed, self-defence reflexes, contradicts the hypocrisy of the opponent: everything that seems quite appropriate in a dialogue with â€Å"goodies†, but looks radical in the

Saturday, November 2, 2019

The Reaction of Faculty Staff to Resident`s Feedback on Their Teaching Essay

The Reaction of Faculty Staff to Resident`s Feedback on Their Teaching Performance - Essay Example The abstract is well drafted, and it has outlined the methods used and the main findings. The research would have more information present the research problem clearly. It is not clear from the abstract where the research problem. It has stated the aim of the research paper which is to increase understanding on how the reaction of faculty staff to resident`s feedback on their teaching performance. It would be in helping to include a recommendation in this paper in order to know the next step of action. The paper presents two research objectives that are later structured into research questions. The research objectives that were structured by research questions are: how the faculty staff proceeds on receiving feedback and the factors that influence on their progression (Van der Leeuw 2011, p.2). The objectives seem to look at the progress after the feedback. The aim was to increase understanding in the reaction to feedback. The objectives should be in line with the objective of the study. The inclusion of an objective that explores more on how the nature of the feedback makes the faculty react would help create more insight. The research questions give the direction to be followed during the research process. The research problem is clearly stated, and it gives the rationale for the study, then there is a reliable system in place that provides feedback. The issue is responsiveness of the faculty staff to the feedback. This agrees with the work of Steinert et al. (2006, p. 498) that stated that the change in teaching behaviors after feedback was not frequently researched on. The literature is up to date as most of the references were recently giving information of the recent advances.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

The importance of keeping customers for as long as possible, in what Essay - 1

The importance of keeping customers for as long as possible, in what is seen often as a short-term approach to sales - Essay Example Enterprises have early understood the difficulty in acquiring customers and also the value of maintaining good relationship with customer. Modern management techniques and use of IT though innovative means have defined added new dimensions to managing customer relationships. Now, for many enterprises empowering the customer has become a way of life, which in turn has led to shift in power with their customer relationships (Kotler et al., 2009). 2. Concept and definition Drotskie (2009) quoted Seybold (2002) and explained â€Å"customer relationship management (CRM) means determining who your customers are and building relationship with them†, and Drotskie adds further that it involves understanding each and every customer so as to develop profiles of their individual needs. Thus CRM enables the enterprise to understand the customer very closely so that its services can be tailor-made to meet each individual requirement (Zeithaml & Bitner, 2003; cited by Drotskie, 2009, p. 15). Kotler et al. (2009) also support these definitions and stated that customer relation management as the â€Å"process of carefully managing detailed information about individual customers and all customer ‘touch points’ to maximise customer loyalty. ... ocuses to increase revenue, profits, and shareholder value through targeted marketing activity such as developing, maintaining, and enhancing successful-customer relationships† (Bolton & Tarasi, 2006). 3. Principles of customer relationship marketing As Kotler et al. (2009) suggest, one of the important â€Å"goals of marketing is to develop deep, enduring relationships with people and organisations that could directly or indirectly affect the success of the firm’s marketing activities. Relationship marketing aims to build mutually satisfying long-term relationships with key constituents in order to earn and learn and retain their business† (Kotler et al., 2009, p.22). Relationship marketing has four dimensions (1) customers, (2) employees, (3) marketing partners (channels, suppliers, distributors, dealers, agencies), and (4) members of the financial community (shareholders, investors, analysis) and its outcome is the marketing network, a unique asset for the comp any. Figure 1: The four dimensions of relationship marketing Adapted from source: Kotler et al. (2209) Of these dimensions, the customer relationship marketing is most significant and more and more companies are now designing separate offers, services and messages to individual customers, that they gather based on information about past transactions, demographics, psychographics, and media distribution preferences (Kotler et al., 2009). Their objective is to build customer loyalty, by focus on the most profitable customers, products, and channels and achieve growth and capture larger share of customer’s pocket. This they undertake by estimating individual customer lifetime value and design their market offerings and prices, which would enable them not to make instant profit, but to make a profit over the

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Poverty in the United States Essay Example for Free

Poverty in the United States Essay Poverty is a serious issue not only in third world countries but also here in the United States. Discussing the nature of poverty in the United States is important because through understanding we will find solutions. Gaining insights into the issue of poverty can be used to understand the complexity of the subject. Poverty has been defined as a state of deprivation of goods and services that essential to the maintenance of an adequate standard of living in a given society. Although the concept of poverty is considered relative, it cannot be denied that it magnifies the problem concerning inequality in a particular society (Levitan). The struggle of poverty impacts people’s day-to-day life. It is easy to hide some things in life but, poverty is not one of them. There are 633,782 homeless people in cities throughout the United States (St. Francis). Poor people have no place to live and are being exposed to nature’s elements, bacteria, and harmful illness can cause threat to the health of these individuals. The environment is being impacted as well, because there is nowhere to put waste or garbage other than on the ground. This is why it is important to gain insight and understand poverty so that we can help these people and the earth. When a person is living in poverty it is humiliating and weighs on an individual’s self-esteem as well as their families and is very difficult to overcome. Poverty is not always a choice, but it is a situation that can be prevented. If people everywhere take something from every book, article or essays that has been written and are willing to recognize and do something about it then it is a problem that can be fixed. There is not a perfect plan or a perfect solution to the poverty problem but, the aim is to decrease the number of individuals and families living in poverty drastically. There are many families living in poverty and there are an equal amount of thoughts and opinions on why people live in poverty such as drug and alcohol use, domestic violence and foreclosure just to name a few. Individuals have a difficult time taking care of themselves can you imagi ne having to try to provide for a family on next to nothing every day. Without a street address these families do not qualify to get welfare assistance such as food stamps, Medicaid, or housing assistance. Without housing assistance people are forced to stay in shelters and if they don’t make to a shelter by a certain  time they go without a warm place to sleep and without food that night. Some people wait in long lines all day for a spot at the shelter only to be turned away because there is just not enough space for everyone. A good way to alleviate or even eliminate this problem is to build more shelters or use some of the abandoned buildings in poverty stricken neighborhoods for the poor people to sleep in. Have stipulations in these shelters that individuals and their families are guaranteed more than one night as long as they abide by guidelines provided, kind of like a contract. So they are not just getting help they are in a sense helping their selves. Different situations have different solutions, there is a difference between a person living in poverty because you’re a war veteran and just having a hard time and living in poverty because you are and addict and everything you have is spent on drugs and alcohol. In these newly built or refurbished shelters with these stipulations, programs can be offered to help transition into a better way of living. Yes, then there is the issue of money and where will it come from. Nobody has money lying around just to give away so charity events, fundraisers, donations, volunteers and maybe even some help from government agencies would help. The children of these families living in poverty suffer most. Research shows that poverty in the first five years of a child’s life changes the life of a child compared to if they were to live in poverty later in life. This is because poverty is associated with poor nutrition; poor nutrition leads to lower intelligence, bad physical development, and poor immune systems. â€Å"Children deprived of proper nutrition during the most informative years score much lower on tests of vocabulary, reading comprehension, arithmetic, and general knowledge. The more severe the poverty a child faces, the lower his or her nutritional level is likely to be (BrownPollitt).† Many children that are labeled bad kids with behavioral problems are really just lacking nutritional value. A child that is hungry is more likely to act ou t and have greater difficulty focusing than a well fed child. There are government programs that offer assistance with nutrition such as W.I.C and Healthy Schools but the guidelines are very strict and fall short in making sure that every child living in poverty has adequate nutrition. So, this problem can be solved by changing the guidelines and making it easier for a family living in poverty to feed our future. People might say this is not my problem, I’m not living in poverty  so what does this have to do with me? Truth be told everyone is affected by poverty. As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, â€Å"There is nothing more dangerous than to build a society, with a large segment of people in that society, who feel they have no stake in it; who feel they have nothing to lose. People, who have stake in their society, protect that society, but when they don’t have it, they unconsciously want to destroy it (Dr.MartinLutherKingJr.).† According to the history of our nation, the safety and equality of the people of our society relies on everyone individually and as a whole nation as one. If that’s the way the world is meant to be then why are people living in poverty treated so differently? Upper class doesn’t make you better than a person living in poverty, money doesn’t make you bad or good and the same goes for poverty. The founders of our nation fought hard for a country where everyone is treated as a person equally but, that is not the case when thousands of people still live in poverty every day. â€Å"Anybody that has ever spent a morning at the Department of Motor Vehicles or stood in the line at the Post Office should understand that simply because the government is handling the problem, doesn’t mean it’s being handled properly (St. Francis)†. The next time you see someone a little down and out stop to give them a minute and see if you can help them in any way, remember that poverty does not make them any less a human than you. I believe the proposed solutions will work because if its believable than its achievable and our system has proven in other situations to be reliable so let use it for the good of the people of our country that could use a hand up not a hand out. For people to be sick on the street, forced to sleep on cardboard or dirt, and have to beg other people to help them is not humane or the American way and should not be tolerated any longer. Works Cited BrownPollitt. Malnutrition, Poverty and Intellectual Development. Pollitt, L. Brown E. n.d. Dr.MartinLutherKingJr. Letter From Birmingham Jail. April 1963. Levitan, Sar A. Poverty In the Lexicon Universal Encyclopedia. 1990: pages 478-480 Vol. 15. St. Francis, Nancy. Homelessness in America 2013. 2013.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Business Strategy in a Global Environment

Business Strategy in a Global Environment Globalization is the eminent icon of the 1990s, and in the twenty first century. Globalization is absolutely soaring and gearing up dynamically competing lifes real scenes. Globalization refers to the growth and status of trade and investment, clustered by the growth in international business fields, and the integration of economies penetrating all corners of the world. Strategy Paradoxes and Debates The term strategy anchors its definition basically sprouting from military fields and origins and has been expanded into the business world and context where several authors and researchers have spread arguments and debates on strategy concerning both quantitative and qualitative manifestations and processes. Strategy in business is coined to survival; the battleground and arena during a match, or a game. Jarvis (2005) highlights the 5Ps concept of Mintzberg observing the term strategy which primarily means plan, ploy, pattern, position, and perspective. The Coca Cola Bottling Company has all these 5 Ps in particular and all companies in general. Strategy is a ploy which basically refers to any artifice, maneuver, trick, or game to outwit and defeat a competitor or rival raising an anticipation of what we are going to do to confuse, shake, deter, prompt or deceive competitor to perform a move or not to move at all. It articulates the necessary steps to be done like creating a pattern (as a post hoc application), reflecting on the done action with its pattern consistency whether or not its planned and intended. Seeing the pattern means its an intentional strategy showing the pattern stems from the plan. But theres no managing and supervising intentionality. So there are two types of strategy distinguishing such intention; namely, deliberate strategy and emergent strategy. Strategy as a position is pushed with the idea and analogy from the military view, Ill take care of the waves whilst, you take care of the ripples referring on the emphasis of tactics. Position strategy simply stares its focus on where you are standing or sitting for you to view your horizon and whole landscape in the world of business relating to the context or internal and external situation. Such position projects the relation and status within the competitive arena and the existing co-operative interrelations matching ones organization, team, or department against others and rivals and the lobbying environmental demands. Moreover, strategy-as-position situates different and several players not just one-to-one competition. A company that exposes itself to a market cubbyhole and tight competition is trying to position itself to secure, to brace sustainable competitive advantage. Strategy as perspective refers to the group of strategy creators or makers with their whims, views, retrospection, predilections, and preferences affecting the organization. Thus, strategy is a body of ideas, insights, anticipations and imperatives spoken and aired by a group of people articulated in different types of conversations and of distinct degrees of importance wherein ideas and propositions are scattered for a collective forum which is either imposed or consensus. Global Market Models and Concepts and Analysis Managers must be conscious that markets, supplies, investors, locations, partners, and competitors can be anywhere in the world. Successful businesses will take advantage of opportunities wherever they are and will be prepared for downfalls. Evidently, successful managers, in this environment, need to understand the similarities and differences across national boundaries, in order to utilize the opportunities and deal with the potential downfalls. In developing appropriate global strategies, managers need to take the benefits and drawbacks of globalization into account. A global strategy must be in the context of events around the globe, as well as those at home. International strategy is the continuous and comprehensive management technique designed to help companies operate and compete effectively across national boundaries. While companies top managers typically develop global strategies, they rely on all levels of management in order to implement these strategies successfully. Th e methods companies use to accomplish the goals of these strategies take a host of forms. For example, some companies form partnerships with companies in other countries, others acquire companies in other countries, others still develop products, services, and marketing campaigns designed to appeal to customers in other countries. Some rudimentary aspects of international strategies mirror domestic strategies in that companies must determine what products or services to sell, where and how to sell them, where and how they will produce or provide them, and how they will compete with other companies in the industry in accordance with company goals. The development of international strategies entails attention to other details that seldom, if ever, come into play in the domestic market. These other areas of concern stem from cultural, geographic, and political differences. Consequently, while a company only has to develop a strategy taking into account known governmental regulations, o ne language (generally), and one currency in a domestic market, it must consider and plan for different levels and kinds of governmental regulation, multiple currencies, and several languages in the global market (Heil 2010). Company Strategic Decisions for Sustainable Competitive Advantage Arie de Geus (1997) spelled out that a company with needs has the key characteristics he called a living company because it is helping itself. He stressed four key traits: (1) sensitivity to the business environment which reflects the ability and capability to learn and adjust; (2) cohesion and identity or the ability to create a community with vision, personality, and purpose; (3) tolerance and decentralization or the ability to build relationships; and, (4) conservative financing. Strategic Management is a constant object of curiosity among psychologists and thinkers. On several occasions, senior managers are asked how they come up with strategic decisions. They have one pattern of making these crucial and company-light decisions. One would suppose these to be mathematical, based on rigid rules of logic or statistical treatments. But heres the catch: The managers decisions were product of informal data gathering, intuition, innovation, and oral exchanges in 2-way communications. These managers have the feel of the whole situation besetting their companies and their impulse always has an accompanying relevance. Their minds transcend logical rules that are immutable and mechanical and perhaps by age and experience, they acquired an almost instantaneous and discrimination of what is effective and practical. They give a whole new meaning to the words feeling, judgment, common sense, proportion, balance, and appropriateness. They use these terms to effect viable ac tions that would sustain their companies in the tests of domestic or external competition, recession, changing market attitudes, inflation, to mention only the majors. These street-smart guys are not much into science when they make a decision. Instead, they stay at the helm of art which is a combination of wisdom, experience, common sense, and a lot of prudence and daring. Senior managers usually see problems of their companies as big opportunities in disguise. They remain flexible in finding ways but that does not mean foolish weighing the indefinite till the situation clears or worsens. They are flexible in making solutions to give provisions for modifications, adjustments, shifts, or even u-turn without compromising company principles. They are not namby-pambies who are easily swayed by fashion. They are as hard as nails on standards of excellence. Hence, they inspire, and prod those below them to follow suit and commit to live action. They are virtuosos in motivating people and so people tick to grow the limbs of their action plans and visions. It was noted in many studies conducted in most industrialized countries that executives are investing much of their time developing a circle of relationships. Thence, they gain insights and details to be applied in forming concrete strategic decisions. They have the inclination to use mental simulations and they display some gift of seeing with their minds. Intuition is the guiding light of the day and even after office hours, they would re-run what else can be done if strategy A should need a remedy. So before any pitfall or backsliding, there reserved a fallback program to reinforce the existing. Funny as it sounds but executives can sense first what they are going to do before they can explain why. No calculations but deep in their brain cells and feeling, this is the way to salvation and promised land. The way might not be a bay of plenty but they are sure when the dusts subside the rays of their strategy would save the organization. Information may change overnight and strategic planning is complex but they know how to combat challenges with concrete interventions. With the advent of technology, senior managers are more and more relieved of the so called strategic planning. Information Technology at last has created a great divide between senior managers and operational level managers. Through sophisticated programs on the computer, any manager can already function as an independent segment albeit following the general threads of the company culture. All that top brass management would do is to inspire, delegate, assess and appraise their subjects. They provide the vision, specify the substance, and direct the institutional goals. Their managers are expected to facilitate process, action plans, and fill out forms to make way for effective documentation, work accomplishment, accounting procedures, marketing, manpower accountability and networking. Executive leaders have followers, while managers have subordinates, according to an analyst. Managers are oftentimes blamed for the bankruptcy of businesses in America in the 1970s and 80s. Leaders make decisions while managers usually execute them. Leaders are careful to choose their managers because lack of leadership down the line can antagonize the growth of the whole organization. Normally, strategic decision-making takes place on two levels: aggregate and individual. Both of these are geared towards getting attention, storing information through encoding, retrieval thereof, strategic choosing, feedback and outcome. Aggregate and individual strategies are interdependent and they harmonize with each other in all stages of the organization. While it is true that aggregate is more supreme than the individual strategy, it is the individual that feeds to the strength of the aggregate. The aggregate can only sound strong on paper but without the individual strategy which is the action level that extends to clients, customers, consumers, financiers, lenders and debtors, it can just be a lameduck-a print of strong accent without teeth or bite because there is no execution by junior vice presidents, section managers, team leaders, and the rank and file. . Johnson, Scholes and Whittington in corporate strategy present a model in which strategic alternatives and options are evaluated against three key success criteria: suitability, feasibility, and acceptability. (1) Suitability. It gears to answer security questions such as Would it work?, Does it make sense to economy?, Would the organization obtain economies of scale, economies of scope, or experience economy? Would it be suitable in terms of environment and capabilities? Ranking strategic options and decision trees are the measuring tools to evaluate suitability. (2) Feasibility. Can it be made to work?. It is concern whether the resources required to carry the strategy are available and can be obtained and developed. Its resources include funding, people, time, and information. Consequently, cash flow analysis and forecasting, break-even analysis, and resource deployment analysis are the scaling tools for it. (3) Acceptability. Would this make sense among stakeholders? Would shareholders, company employees and customers respond with the targeted product or performance outcomes? What about returns? Will it yield the projected benefits by the stakeholders in terms of dollars or other essentials (financial and non-financial)? For instance, shareholders would anticipate the growth of their capital or wealth, employees would aim for the upliftment in their careers and customers would expect added value for money. When strategy fails, the probability of risks arisesfinancial or otherwise. These risks could be shareholders going against the issuing of new shares or employees and unions picketing against outsourcing for fear of losing their jobs. Most likely too, customers would have paranoia over a merger as regards quality and support. What-if analyses are tools employed to evaluate acceptability. Global Market Models and Concept Analysis In the midst of global market tight business competition models and concepts analysis is crucial and vital. Thus, any business manager must discern and decide whats the best move or course of action to be undertaken to outwit and win the market place and patrons. Several concept analysis are designed for managers to scrutinize business status to have an equilibrium and project sustainable competitive advantage among others in the field. One of these types is SWOT Analysis. A good look at the internal and external environment is an indispensable part of strategic planning. Environmental attributes internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S) or weaknesses (W),while those external to the firm can be classified as opportunities (O) or threats (T). This analysis is referred to as SWOT analysis. This analysis provides insights that are keyl in matching the firms assets and capacities vis-Ã  -vis the competitive environment in which it exists. Therefore, it is crucial in strategy formulation and selection. What are strengths? The firms or companys strengths are its assets, resources and capabilities that can be utilized as the foundation for mapping out a competitive edge. Some of these are patents, reputed brand names, established repute among customers, cost advantages, exclusive access to precious natural resources and favorable access to marketing outlets. Weakness is of course the opposite of strengths like lack of patent protection, a so-so brand name, ill-repute among customers, high price structure, lack of access to the best raw materials or natural resources, and worst, lack of access to strong distribution channels. Take the case in which a firm has a large amount of manufacturing capacity. While this ability may be considered as a strength that competitors do not share, it also may be a considered as a weakness if the large investment in manufacturing capacity hinderss the firm from reacting quickly to shifts or fluctuations in the marketplace. Furthermore, opportunities may mean income and growth; like, a wanting in customer need, invention of new technologies, loosening of legal hindrances and lifting of international business hurdles. Moreover, threats are the present and intervening factors in the external environment; like changes in consumer tastes deviating from the firms product lines, introduction of rival products, new legalities and regulations, and further increase in trade barriers. Any company should not singly invest into very encouraging opportunities. Rather, it should have the caution and prescience to better understanding and analysis of a doable course of action to gain that competitive advantage by determining a blend between the companys strengths and upcoming opportunities. S-O strategies run after chances that are a good addition to the companys strengths. W-O strategies fiscalize weaknesses to run after opportunities. S-T strategies map out ways that the firm can use its strengths to minimize its exposure to external threats. W-T strategies create a defensive plan to protect the firms weak spots from making it highly exposed to outside threats. Another tool used to scan the environment in the business field is the PEST Analysis. This is a sophisticated external macro-environment probing that manifest how firm processing can be expressed in terms of the Political, Economic, Social, and Technological factors. Oftentimes, the acronym PEST (is made as STEP) is employed to describe a framework for the synthesis of macro-environmental factors. Political factors are government laws and legal issues and ascribe both formal and informal rules in which the firm must worklike tax policies, employment measures, environmental ordinances, trade barriers and taxes, and political instability. Economic factors include the purchasing power of prospective customers and the firms capitallike economic improvement, interest rates, exchange and inflation rates. Social factors involve the demographic and cultural facets of the outside macro-environment. These factors have direct effect on customer needs and the size of potential market bases like health consciousness, growth of population, age brackets, career paths, and consciousness on safety. Finally, technological factors can lower if not eliminate barriers to entry, cut the minimum efficient production stages, and highly affect outsourcing decisions; like, RD activity, automation schemes, technological incentives, and rate of technological change. In order to appraise, analyze and assess finished activities which will eventually create a companys competitive edge, a chain of value-creating activities must be in place. Michael Porter outlined a set of many generic activities common to a wide range of firms. Accordingly, the objective of such activities is to foster worth that exceeds the cost of providing the product or service. In consequence, this will generate profits as customers want worth congruent to costs. Everyone wants worth as tantamount to price so such value-creating activities is a very good psychology applied to business. If only all businesses employ this action plan, then what a better consumer base they create and a whole lot happier people they would account in their following. Another concern tackles inbound logistics which embraces the receipt, warehousing, and inventory of company input and output materials; operations are the value-creating tasks that transform the inputs into the finished product or outcome; outbound logistics are responsible for the finished product to reach the customer, including but not limited to warehousing, delivery and the like. Marketing sales are any effortstangible or not, direct or indirect, intentional or by chance-are those activities that have something to do with getting consumers to buy the product, channel selection, advertising, pricing, and much more. Service activities are those of maintenance and enhancing effect to the product value inclusive of customer support, repair services, etc. All of these vital activities are effective in developing companys competitive advantage. Logistics, as we all know, are crucial and vital for a contracting company to to distribute services, while service activities are the main focus for a company that offers on-site maintenance contracts for office supplies and machines. In addition, there are also at least four generic areas of support activities ensuring firm sustainability in the business shark-infested watersamong others, procurement, technology development, human resource management, and firm. Procurement entails the role of buying the raw materials and other essentials in the value-creating undertakings. Technology development includes studies and development, process machination, and other technology gadgets used to enhance the value-chain activities. Human Resource Management, are the tasks that include recruitement, enrichment, and just compensation of workers. Firm infrastructures are those activities of the finance, legal, quality, and management departments. Support activities are termed as overhead but some firms have sparingly used them to maintain a competitive advantage. For example, a company can do outreach works, medical missions, gift-giving to indigents, of renovation of a neglected public hospital. This can also take the forms of donating to a charity, to a depressed area because of typhoons, floods, or quake-shaken areas. These activities require definition, linkages, and coordination between and among partner companies, with the consent and knowledge of the customer base. Sufficient and effective media publishing through print, broadcast or satellite means can be employed to maximize efforts to establish such elusive state of companys competitive edge. It is a matter of concerted effort, a must-have if companies h ave to outlive and outdo competitors. A perfect grasp of interdependence and mutual benefit must be clear to make all strategies work for the betterment of the organization. If support is not totally ensured, then at least, majority of suppliers, advertisers, as well as the general public are involved. If response is not favorable, then executives have to do some side stepping, even taking back alleys so the companys goals will be served. If executives back out, then, what a pity to the organization. A company needs a sure-fire executive in the face of uncertainties. Hence, executives must see a rundown of these activities before implementation. That is why there is what we call value system. Great companies have very strong value systems that new hires would either subscribe to it or leave it. There is simply no half-way house in these great companies. In exchange, they offer palatable salaries, fringes, and other opportunities of growth-monetary, career or physical growth. In closing, strategies are useless unless acted upon, applied, or animated to make the company prosper side by side with competitive edge. With the fangs of globalization threatening to devour the weak and unprepared, executives of the 21st Century has many assignments to do. These begin from mapping out a vision, a mission, then the strategies needed to make these dreams come into fruition. Gone were the days when companies would only wait for customers to take their products because of limited choice or monopoly. Today, more than any era of the past, business is very precarious and risky. Hard earned capitals are washed away overnight once investment is not done with caution, sustainability and competitive edge. Only those who have the edge would survive. Application: The Coca Cola Bottling Company: Coca Cola soft drink was nothing but a local concoction in America. It was concocted by Dr. John S. Pemberta in Atlanta, Georgia. Frank Robinson, bookkeeper, suggested the name and crafted it in free hand script which stood the odds of changes till this very day. From a local drink, the founders of the company planned to market it on statewide scale. Their ploy is to give its package a handsome look so it would appeal to skeptical drinkers. The design of the brand name has been a consistent pattern to make sure the name will be associated with thirst quenching. Their marketers are very aggressive and effective that very soon after their debut in the drinking arena they salvaged the prime spot in the soft drink industry. They arrogate to themselves the saying, Get Ready for Tomorrow Today,-their corporate way of positioning. Their perspective to be global came into reality, riding in that slogan, Open Happiness! They convince people through ads that Coca Cola can refresh the world, can inspire to make people optimistic. In other words, they exist to make a difference. And then their advertisements are apt for specific seasons. During winter time, they show Santa Claus merrily dash through the skies as he drinks coca cola in his chariot on reindeers. During summertime, the theme, red hot summer is bannered on company sponsored parties. Before the competition could catch up, Coca Cola also introduces hundreds of other delights in its product line. But a wit may ask, how do they capitalize on their strengths, and address their weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, including antagonisms from politics, economy, society, and technology? They look ahead. They analyze trends that shape business in the future and adjust accordingly for whats to take place. Coca Cola was abreast with the Y2K scare along with giants in the business world. Hence, they won together with their bottling partners and financing allies. Concerning the current global crisis, the company is not at all hampered by leaps and bounds because it is consumer-based. The company applies core values on leadership (the resolve to create a better future), collaboration (collective ingenuity), integrity (being real), accountability (or responsibility), passion (heart-mind commitment), diversity (create more and more), and quality (doing well) as its anchor in its vision 2020. In addition, even their managers get out into the market and listen. They observe and learn. Coca Cola people possess a world view and they are curious to sift whats new. And lest we forget: They remain constructively discontent on their achievements, new markets and prospects. They are a cool bunch with a singular vision: To refresh the world. Sources: The Coca Cola Company 2009. Year in Review. Web. Retrieved 21 October 2010 from http://www.thecoca-colacompany.com/ourcompany/mission_vision_values.html Questions and Answers from Yahoo.com 2008 Web. Retrieved 21 October 2010 from http://www.righthealth.com/topic/Who_Invented_Coca_Cola Bradford, Robert W., Duncan, Peter J., Tarcy, Brian, Simplified Strategic Planning: A No-Nonsense Guide for Busy People Who Want Results Fast! Available from: http://www.quickmba.com/strategy/swot/. [10 October, 2010]. Heil, Karl 2010. Strategy in the Global Environment. Available from: . [10 October, 2010]. Geus, Arie de 1997. The Living Company. Available from: http://www.ariedegeus.com/ and [10 October, 2010]. Jarvis, Chris 2005. Business Open Learning Archive. Available from: . [10 October, 2010]. Quickmba.com 2010. Strategic Management. Available from: http://www.quickmba.com/strategy/swot/. [10 October, 2010]. Quickmba.com 2010. Strategic Management. Available from: . [10 October, 2010]. Wikipedia.org computer software 2009. 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